Wolfe Pack
Wolfe Pack
Gerard Bond
Second Prequel
Angels Blood
First Edition
Copyright © 2014 Gerard Bond
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher.
ISBN: 978-1-312-76726-3
Chapter One
A New Beginning
Darkling stood at the bar looking down at the rag she was holding in quiet reflection. How had she come to be in a place like this? It had been over a year now since the destruction of her Nightclan Berengah at the hands of the orcs. Her feelings were still raw when she thought of her family. Her husband and children were lost. At the time she had returned from a patrol on the outskirts of the valley tracking a small band of orcs. Doing so had led her away from the attack and destruction of all the clans people in the tribe.
The memories came flooding back. Coming into the encampment she knew something bad had happened, there had been an eerie silence and broken down tents, but no sign of any of the people. There was still broth cooking over a number of camp fires too. It had been creepy to see it all. Dark hadn't taken long to find the first body though, the orcs had abandoned it after having fed on the carcass for awhile. The orcs had dragged all the bodies off and left only a few behind. She had found her children nearby laying partially dismembered and eaten. Cast aside like so much trash. The orcs were more likely to leave children behind, there just wasn't enough meat on them to bother with.
She had cried and wailed at the sight for ages, tearing at her own hair in those moments, craving death and wishing destruction on all orcs. Dark had spent so much time cursing the gods and screaming into the sky but it didn't change anything. That evening she had managed to drag herself away, mounting her horse and wandering off aimlessly without any thought or consideration for her surroundings. It was by luck that orcs hadn't killed her too. They were long gone now just like the Nightclans.
Dark continued to stand there brooding in the tavern, she still wondered even after a year how she had managed to come here, the village of Comberwell with its quaint cottages dotted around the outskirts of the main streets. Here she was a barmaid earning her keep cleaning, serving drinks and playing amicable host to the locals and visitors. Her days of free ranging across the hills hunting, patrolling and sometimes fighting were long gone. They almost seemed like a dream but for the pain that she still carried deep in her heart. Whenever she thought of the orcs anguish and hate would boil up bringing tears to her eyes. Yes, sometimes when she was all alone she still cried too, would the anguish ever go away?
She looked up and leaned against the counter. It was early morning and the sun's rays were coming through the windows, she could see the dust floating through them. The birds were chirping as usual, the crispness in the air was still fresh.
Last night hadn't been bad, Dark had taken a lover of sorts. A man called Dimarus who fucked like a stallion and treated her better than most. She didn't love him, but the sex was good. Still, she felt empty inside, a hollow core that nothing seemed to fill. That was her life now she supposed, after losing her family she only existed now.
“Dark!” She turned at being called, it was Kels the barman and owner of the tavern. “I can see you are off with the fairies again.”
Dark looked away,
“I'm sorry, is there anything else you need me to do besides wipe the counter down and set the chairs?”
“Yes, if you could do the dishes left over from last night that would be good, our wash boy took sick and he wasn't able to complete his tasks.” Dark nodded,
“I'll get it done, will that be all for the day?”
“Yes I won't need you again until tonight when the patrons start arriving.”
“Thanks I'll be here.”
Dark made off for the kitchen to take care of the dishes. She wanted to see them done and get out of here, she needed some time alone.
It wasn't long before the dishes were done, there hadn't been that many which was good. She retreated back to her cabin and once inside kicked her boots off and flopped herself on the bed. Laying there she stared at the ceiling and heard Dimarus come through the front door, she could tell from his footsteps it was him. She hadn't lost too many of her Nightclan skills.
Dimarus looked in the bedroom and came in seeing Dark on the bed. She looked up and smiled as he moved over her straddling her thighs. Dark reached up and caressed his cheek looking at him quietly.
“I thought you were working at the tavern today?” She shook her head slightly,
“Chores all done.”
He leaned down and kissed her deeply lingering on her lips, Dark reached down and massaged his rod in his pants, feeling it grow under her caress. Dimarus groaned a little and pulled her top open massaging her breasts as she undid the buttons to his pants. He squeezed and tugged on her nipples as Dark managed to slide his short but thick rod out. It was warm and hard in her hand and she pushed him over onto his back. Taking him in her mouth Dark started licking all around and sliding up and down. She could feel him throbbing as she slowly stroked him deep.
Dimarus still had one breast in his hand playing with her erect nipple as he watched her work her magic on his erection, it felt so good. Then all of a sudden he erupted and shot his hot load, Dark swallowing and sucking as it filled her mouth.
She pulled away panting and looking disappointed,
“Sorry, I didn't mean to finish so fast.” Dark could only shake her head,
“Well fuck.”
He did up his pants and slid off the bed. Then without a word left again. She heard him mount his horse and trot off, Dark lay there feeling used and cheap.
Staring up at the ceiling she almost cried, Dimarus wasn't much different from other guys she had bedded this past year, there wasn't much affection really. The only difference was he came back she supposed. Well when he did perform he was good at it. Sighing she looked around while feeling her own crotch, it was hot and wet, she needed some satisfaction.
No, it wasn't sex she needed, it was some intimacy and affection she realized all of a sudden. Dark did up her pants and top then looked around, maybe a horse ride would help take her mind off things. Getting up she slid her boots back on and walked out the door.
Out in the stable Dark saddled her horse and threw a blanket roll on as well. Then she mounted and trotted out into the sunshine heading east toward the river. It was maybe a twenty minute ride there and she enjoyed the journey feeling not only the warm sun on her face but also the breeze that had a little nip to it too, it was a pleasant feeling.
It wasn't long before she could smell the moisture in the air, the sound of running water could be heard too. Entering a clearing beside the river she dismounted and hobbled the horse with a short rope allowing him to graze while she grabbed the blanket roll. Dark walked over to the waters edge and spread the blanket out. Shedding her boots and socks she sat down and looked out over the water.
“I'm lost.”
The words uttered without her even thinking, it was true. She really was lost, no direction in her existence, no desire to go anywhere or make anything of her life anymore. Was she dead inside? Passing time and waiting for life to go by, yeah that was it, waiting for nothing.
Dark sighed out loud and lay back on the blanket, listless and uncaring. This just wouldn't do, but was there? She had lost everything she had ever cherished, her entire family; all her friends and relatives were dead, not even buried. Everything that she had valued was gone, maybe it would have been better if she had died that day too.
Looking out over the water she felt the heat of the sun start to make her sweat. It was time for
a swim, stripping off her clothes she moved to the waters edge and looked out over the slowly moving river. The sun was starting to bite now and as she dipped her toes she felt its welcoming coolness. Stepping in and kneeling the pleasant sensation continued as she slipped beneath the surface. It enveloped her and she felt herself drifting ever so slowly downriver. She allowed herself to relax for a bit then turned over and took a breath as her head broke the surface. Oh yes, this is just what she needed.
Dark paddled around for awhile enjoying her swim and then returned to where her blanket was. Laying upon it wet and dripping she once again felt the warmth of the sun imbuing her naked body. Finally she was able to relax and even managed to drift off for awhile.
Awhile later she woke with a start, looking around she surveyed the surrounding woods for possible danger. Nothing seemed apparent but something was putting her on edge. Looking up she noted the position of the sun and realized it was late afternoon and her tummy grumbled. Well it was time to get dressed and make her way back to the village. Donning her pants and shirt she grabbed her boots and shoved them into the saddle bag lastly tying the rolled up blanket over the back of the saddle.
Then as she pulled herself up onto her horse she heard a twig snap close by but still there was nothing to see, dammit and she hadn't brought any weapon for self protection either. Nothing for it but to make haste, she yelled out 'Yeaahh!' and dug her bare heels into the horse's ribs hard making it jump a little as it immediately galloped off.
Dark looked back and spotted two shadowy figures emerging for the brush but she was already losing sight and couldn't tell who or what they were. Orcs? Bandits? No matter, she had no interest in finding out.
Ten minutes later she pulled up in front of her cabin, her horse in a slight lather from the galloping ride. She dismounted and led it out the back to where a small corral was then removed the saddle before letting the horse go. Once she had packed the saddle away in the stable she went inside and grabbed a drink of water from a carafe sitting on the table. Sitting down she was still breathing a little deeply and she focused on calming her nerves. The more she thought about the figures the more she thought they were orcs. Damn those creatures, she hated them with a vengeance. If only she had brought a sword she would not have run off.
Oh well, next time. Looking across at the window she could tell it was almost time to make her way to the tavern to start work, time enough to change and get ready. Before long she was walking along the village road waving at the occasional villager bent at their task.
Kels was outside cutting wood for the fires that would need to be started soon.
“Hello Kels how be you?” He looked up and gave a little smile,
“I be good, I am alive and still kicking.”
She gave a little smile back at him and he went back to his chopping. Dark went inside, she knew what needed to be done.
The rest of the afternoon passed quickly as Dark and Kels toiled away at their duties, the tavern had already started to fill with patrons, some locals and travelers too.
It was early evening and as Dark set down two mugs of ale she noticed a stranger enter the doorway to the tavern. Looking up she was taken by his appearance, he was a large man with an air of self assuredness which immediately struck her. She looked on as his eyes scanned the room, she hoped there wouldn't be any trouble. Looking at him more carefully she thought he appeared to be somewhat quizzical of his surroundings and maybe even a little shy? Why did that come to mind? He seemed to stand there with purpose, it was a strange paradox.
Dark walked over to the man,
“May I help you sir?”
He looked at her with that same slightly quizzical look while at the same time he now studied her with those piercing eyes, it felt like they were looking deep inside her.
“My name is Wollfen and I have been traveling the wilds for many a week, I am looking for food and a room for the night.”
She smiled, taken in somewhat by his deep yet mellow voice,
“Then please allow me to offer you our services, we do have a room available for two coins a night and meals are preparing as we speak. We also have bath services too for weary travelers such as yourself.” The man bowed his head slightly at her,
“I thank you, I will take you up on all that you offer.”
He reached into his pocket and took a handful of coins out counting four of them into her hand. She looked up and motioned for him to follow,
“Please come this way and I will show you your room.”
Wollfen followed as Dark led him up the stairs and down to the far door of the balcony above the bar. She went inside and showed him about,
“It's simple fair but clean, you will find a bath tub through the door there and when you are ready to bathe I will have a boy come and pour hot water in.” She turned back to him still looking him up and down.
“Yes I will have the bath immediately thank you, I would like to be fresh for dinner.”
“I will see to it.” Dark made her way to the door,
“Thank you Darkling.” She gave a start and turned back to him as she hesitated at the doorway,
“How is it you know my name?” Wollfen looked on with a blank look at first,
“Um, you told me earlier?”
“I don't think I did, well no matter, I shall get some hot water poured for you.” Dark moved off without waiting for a reply. That was strange, an interesting character though.
Almost an hour later Wollfen descended the stairs once again surveying the people in the tavern, he looked carefully but didn't recognize anyone. No matter he wasn't here for them, it was Darkling Bruadar that he had an interest in.
He sat back in one of the booths that allowed him to view the rest of the room and looked on as Dark carried out her duties, she seemed to be rather good at not only serving the patrons but also keeping the drunk ones in line too. That was good, it showed a strength in her. That wasn't really surprising though, she was once of that proud race of the Nightclans to the east, all gone now under the terrible onslaught of a concentrated effort by the orcs to wipe them out. He continued to study her and also noticed she was watching him too, when she came over to serve him his food they struck up a pleasant conversation.
“So where have you been traveling sir?”
Wollfen motioned her to sit down as he looked over his meal, she sat and looked on attentively,
“Please call me Wollfen. As for my wanderings I am actually doing scouting of the north east edge of the Kingdom here for the city of Gevalia, Lord Cazzara is looking to build forts in defense of the realm since that orc incursion a year ago.”
“It was more than an incursion, thousands died when they attacked.”
Dark felt a little rankled by the perceived dismissive reference to the deaths of so many.
“No you are right, it was a terrible time that still leaves scars. I am sure you still bear the burden of the loss of your clan.” Again Dark was taken aback,
“How did you know I was Nightclan?”
“Are you not Darkling Bruadar of the Nightclan Berengah?”
Now Dark felt a bit unsure of herself, how did this stranger know so much of her?
“Yes I am, but how is it you know all this? I hardly tell anyone of my past.”
Wollfen gave a little smile and leaned forward almost conspiratorially, she leaned forward also as he whispered to her,
“I have abilities in magics, I am able to see your mental beacon, it is quite strong truth be known, I became aware of it a couple of days ago.” Darkling's interest was peaked now,
“You are a magic user? I have never met one before, you are a rare breed.” Wollfen sat back again and smiled,
“Not so rare actually, many people carry the ability, but to actually use it? That's something else entirely, it takes a lot of work and effort to make that ability blossom. I take it you are unaware of your gift then?” Dark shook her head,
“No I had no idea, I thought that if you had
the ability for magic you would simply know.”
“Well it is a dying art and that's the nature of things, one day I will explain.” Again Dark was a bit surprised, this time by his assumption that they would meet again, it was almost arrogant.
“I have to tend to my duties there are more people to serve, is there anything else you need?” Wollfen shook his head,
“No thanks, I hope we can talk again soon?” Darkling agreed with a little smile and made off back to the bar.
Wollfen looked around again studying the people sitting in the booths and at the tables. He had been looking for someone in particular but they had not arrived yet. He went back to his meal and enjoyed the simple but hearty fare of venison and vegetables. After his meal was done Dark returned to gather the plates up and whisked them away, an order for an ale made while she had been present. It wasn't long before she returned, she noticed him still scanning the room looking at the people who would come and go. She sat the mug of ale down in front of him,
“Are you expecting someone?” Wollfen nodded in reply,
Yes, I was hoping a fellow scout would be here tonight, a tallish woman with red hair, have you seen such a person?”
“No I'm afraid not, no one with red hair at all, that would certainly stand out here.” Dark went off again to tend to her duties leaving Wollfen to contemplate his ale.
After about another hour and the evening meals were no longer being served, quite a number of people had left and those that remained were the regular crowd of drinkers all in social groups enjoying a chat. Some working girls were doing the rounds hoping to pick up some money and Wollfen noticed that now and again one of them would retire to a room upstairs with a patron in tow. Obviously the bar owner had an agreement in place with them.
Soon after Wollfen saw what he had been waiting for, a woman clad in green and brown ranger clothes entered and stood inside the doorway looking around. She was lean and above average in height, her red flowing hair hung halfway down her back in a ponytail. Wollfen gestured as her eyes scanned past him and she smiled, walking over she sat down opposite and eyed Wollfen's ale.