Wolfe Pack Read online

Page 11

  “You are Nightclan. I know exactly the type of skills you have, you might be rusty but I am sure they will come back fast. Plus after what's happened to you and seeing you up and about again so quick tells me you are still tough enough to handle things too.” She smiled widely at the compliments,

  “Well if you have that much confidence in me, how can I say no?”

  “So you are still in then?”

  “Yes my dear, I'm in for the long haul, I need a focus in life and what you have been describing to me sounds like just the sort of thing that will give me purpose. Oh and of course there is you, I get to be with you right?” This time it was his turn to smile,

  “Yes dear, I'd like you to be my partner.”

  They kissed deeply as Dark hugged him around the neck, their passion was readily apparent now with no holding back and they kissed deeply lingering in the embrace. Finally when they did pull apart Dark began scratching her body in all sorts of places,

  “You know I think I need to bathe, all that dirt has left me itchy.”

  “Yes me too, let's go down to the creek.”

  It wasn't long before they were on horseback and riding out to Dark's favorite spot to bathe. Pulling up in the clearing by the creek they both dismounted and looked around. It was nice and quiet.

  Kicking off their boots the two of them each with a towel in hand walked off barefoot to the creek edge, they would spend the afternoon bathing and sunning themselves by the creek side enjoying each others company.

  On the third day they were collecting supplies and looking over their saddles making sure everything was in shape. Dark had brought a crossbow out that she had in storage and was rigging up a leather strap so she could hang it off the side of her saddle within easy reach. She was soon satisfied with her work and looked across to Wollfen who was carefully inspected the belly strap of his saddle,

  “Hey I am done, everything is good to go here.”

  “Okay I think I am done too, we will use the gray horse for our packs, I am going to use ol' brown there to ride, which one are you going to take?”

  “I think the chestnut mare will do me fine, she has a bit of spirit but she reacts to me well.”

  “Sounds good, we will be leaving this afternoon, I don't want to start out the trip during the heat of the day. I won't push as hard on the trip either, my last trip we did it in less than a week and it was tiring.” Dark giggled,

  “That just gives us more time to snuggle on the trail and talk more.”

  “Heh, yes I guess so.”

  “Oh don't sound so excited ya big lummox.”

  Wollfen winked as they walked out of the stable and he looked around,

  “Another warm day, what would you like to do to kill some time?”

  “I doubt we should do much, it's hot. Let's go to the tavern and take an early lunch, that way we can take our time eating.”

  “Sounds good, let's do that.”

  They walked hand in hand slowly back to the tavern entrance and found themselves a booth. Sitting both on the same side Dark slid her hand over his thigh and he kissed her cheek. The two of them were enjoying each others company greatly. The barmaid came over and they ordered a hearty lunch, it would be their last big meal for awhile, once they were traveling the food they carried would have to be rationed. They also couldn't afford to have a heavy stomach each day while riding.

  “So tell me again what your plans are once we get back to Outrock?”

  “Well, I want for us to find a couple of extra people to join us ideally, those with warcraft skills and such. If not then we will press on as a band of five, I am sure being a tight unit we should be able to move quickly. Then we will be able to track the bandits to their lair. Once we have a good idea of their numbers Kane and I can work out a plan of attack to split their numbers and take them down piecemeal.”

  “You make it sound so simple.”

  Wollfen chuckled a little louder than he had intended and looked around a bit,

  “Isn't a good leader supposed to make things sound simple even when you are facing death?” Dark gave a wry smile,

  “I think I am going to have to take anything you say to me with a pinch of salt huh?”

  “Oh it's not that bad, I am just kidding around.”

  “You really hate them don't you?”


  “The bandits.”

  “It's not about hate, I will admit though that my pride has been bruised as well as the fact that I let Lord Hale die.”

  “So all this planning and traveling, then putting us all in danger just to kill some bandits to make you feel better? That doesn't sound like you at all.” Wollfen shook his head,

  “Well no it isn't just that, there is a concern that I haven't brought up that I think is a very real possibility.”

  “Go on, I'm all ears.”

  “See the thing is even once Outrock has established a new leader again and built up its troop numbers I doubt that will stop this band that is operating there. You see, what has got me thinking is the fact that this lot of bandits is quite large and they seem to be quite well organized. That means they have a good leader and that leader will also know he needs to keep his men fed and also keep them happy with money or whatever else they can steal.”

  “So wouldn't they just move on to greener pastures? Easier pickings?”

  “No, if we were talking about two or three bandits working together then yes, but this is a bigger gang, larger than I have seen in many years. Knocking over a farm here and there won't do it for them and there are no other towns near the wilds as far removed and out of the Kingdom's consideration as Outrock. Even with more troops in place it has to be very tempting.”

  “So the only solution is to either eliminate them completely or bleed them so heavily they break up and go their separate ways.”

  “Mm, that seems to be the best solution.”

  “You know, it also means whoever their leader is, it is imperative you capture or kill him too.” Wollfen looked at Dark with a questioning look,

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Think about it, if what you say is true and Outrock is a desirable target, then what stops the leader from putting together another gang of outlaws to go back after we have taken the original gang apart?”

  Wollfen mulled her words, she had made a good point, it also meant it would complicate things just that bit more for them, not only would they have to eliminate as many of the bandits they find but it also meant they would have to also identify who the leader was and make sure they focused on him.

  While he considered her position the meals arrived and they both started eating, it was an enjoyable fair of roasted venison with sides of carrot and potato as well as some onion. They took their time eating, sipping ale slowly. Both of them looking to the other now and again watching the other eat. Wollfen wondered about Dark, even though he hadn't seen her in combat she was already displaying a sharp mind, she could prove to be a good leader in her own right. Time would tell he supposed.

  The afternoon came and it was time for them to move out, the two of them contentedly ambled over to the stables and mounted their horses with the pack horse in tow. They then rode off southward on their way to Outrock and their next adventure, Darkling was feeling a little excited at the prospect, she hadn't taken a long ride in over a year, then it occurred to her she would end up sore too. Oh well it was worth it, Comberwell was a nice enough place but she was ready for something new.

  She looked back over her shoulder and could just pick out the roof line of her cabin near the woods, would she ever see it again? Probably not, she felt a little wistful at that moment. Change did that to a person. She turned back and hit Wollfen beside her with her fist.

  “Ouch! What the heck was that for?” She giggled and gave him a smirk,

  “That's cos' I like ya.” He shook his head rubbing his upper arm,

  “Damn, I'd hate to be your enemy.” Dark was in a cheeky mood,

nbsp; “Mhm and don't you forget it, cross me and you'd be fucked.”

  He smiled at her knowing that while she was being funny, it was also the truth. He had seen enough clanswomen in the past to know she could back up her words with action.

  It was two days later when they came across a farm off to their right, they were taking a more direct route to Outrock this time and Wollfen hadn't seen it before.

  “I think we should stop in.” Dark looked across at the buildings off in the distance and wondered why,

  “What's on your mind? We have plenty of supplies.” Wollfen couldn't put his finger on it but he felt something was up,

  “I'm not sure but something isn't right. Look, do you see some of the fences are down?”

  “Maybe the place is abandoned.”

  “No look at the crops, they are too well tended, I think we need to investigate.”

  Dark looked more closely, yes Wolf was correct, it didn't look right. The two of them altered their course heading directly towards the farmhouse while keeping an eye on the surrounding area, if something was wrong they didn't want to be caught up in some situation.

  Within a couple of minutes they pulled up in front of the house and dismounted, looking around they saw nothing out of the ordinary outside. Wollfen noted that door to the house was wide open though. Dark took out her dagger and peeked inside the doorway, then she turned back,

  “The place is a mess, it looks like it has been ransacked.”

  “Alright, be on alert, we don't know if it may have just happened, if it's bandits or even orcs they could still be around.”

  “I'll be on guard, let me look through the house, stay here and keep watch for me.” Wollfen nodded and turned scanning the area warily.

  Dark entered quietly, looking around she let her eyes become accustomed to the darkness further in, all the windows were shuttered. Then she moved forward slowly watching every part of the room. Entering the kitchen she saw the remains of food strewn across the floor, flies were buzzing about having a field day. She retreated back to the main room and then went to a bedroom door. It was closed and she carefully opened it peering in, dagger at the ready. There was a body on the bed and the hairs on her neck pricked up, then the realization of what she was seeing dawned on her and she ran back outside clutching at her stomach almost retching on the porch. Wollfen came running up beside her,

  “What is it? What did you see?” She shook her head as she regained her composure before speaking,

  “There's a body, a body half eaten, orcs.”

  Wollfen sighed, she didn't need to say anymore, the place had been attacked by orcs and they had fed too. He looked around and then back to her,

  “Are you going to be okay? Do you want to stay here while I check the rest of the place out?” She shook her head looking up at him,

  “No it's okay, it just caught me by surprise is all, I will be fine now.”

  “Okay then, I will check out around the barn and surrounding area there, you have a look to the stable area and see if there is anyone about, maybe someone is in hiding.”

  Dark moved off and he watched her for a moment, yes she seemed fine now. He turned and made off toward the stable, the doors were wide open and he walked in slowly. There we no animals at all, it was quiet in there and so signs of any bodies, well that was good. Walking back outside he heard Dark call to him, he ran over to where he heard the voice and spotted her kneeling at the edge of a crop. It was another body, this time a man.

  She turned away as Wollfen approached, the body had been half eaten too. Could there be more? All they could do was continue to look around really.

  “Did you look in the barn Dark?” She nodded and spoke quietly while looking out over the crops towards the woods,

  “Yes, the barn only has the usual farming supplies in there, sacks of wheat and such.”

  Wollfen watched Dark stiffen all of a sudden, she became focused, looking towards the woods more alertly.

  “Did you just see something?”

  She pointed and Wollfen stared, he couldn't see any movement beyond the normal rustling of the leaves as the breeze blew. Then yes, there was something, it was moving slowly along the treeline. Was it watching them? Wollfen leaned into Dark and whispered to her ear,

  “Go right and I will flank left, be ready.”

  She nodded and moved off without a word. Wollfen drew his sword slowly as to not make any sound and started on his way, within the minute he was into trees and shadowing the figure that was still moving slowly along. He waited another minute before closing in, giving time for Dark to move in too. Then he stealthily closed the gap, tensions rising as the being came into view. All of a sudden they were revealed and Wollfen let out a loud breath, it was a young man.

  “Hey! You there!”

  The man kept shuffling along, something was wrong, was he injured? Wollfen noted Dark approaching from the other side, she had heard him call out and the two of them converged on the solitary figure. Drawing up beside him Wollfen looked more closely, there was no blood on him. He just kept moving along very slowly, Wollfen also noted the man had a blank stare. He reached out holding the mans arm and he stopped. Dark stood in front of him and waved her hand in front of his eyes but there was no reaction.

  “Is he in shock?”

  “I don't know, it looks to be more than that, let's get him back to the house okay?”

  Wollfen agreed and they led young man to the front porch, Dark sat him down and Wollfen looked inside,

  “I will deal with what's in the main bedroom, wait till I have done that then you can go in.”

  Okay, no problems.”

  Wollfen took care of the body by dragging the whole mattress out the back door and as soon as Dark heard him outside she led the young man in and sat him down on a two person bench by the fireplace. She then looked him over more carefully noting he did smell quite bad and his hair was tangled as well. He even looked a bit gaunt too, he had obviously been wandering around the farm for a couple of days. When Wollfen came back she asked him to find the tub and bring it in which he did, placing it in front of the fire.

  “Can you go to the well and start bringing water in? I want to fill this pot over the fire and fill the tub too. I'll get a fire started while you are doing that, this boy needs a wash.”

  He held his nose jokingly,

  “Yeah he does stink doesn't he? I'll take care of it.”

  He went out and did as he was asked, meanwhile Dark bent down at the fireplace and started putting kindling in a pile. Within a few minutes she had gotten a small fire going. It wasn't long after that Wollfen finished filling the tub and pot over the fire, he looked around a bit and then decided on his next course of action,

  “While you are washing him down I will go deal with the two that have passed okay?”

  “Sounds good my dear, by the time you have that done I should be finished too.”

  As he walked out Dark turned back to the young man and began unbuttoning his shirt, she noted he was lean and muscular with a nice tan too, he was obviously used to working out in the field. Once she got all his clothes off she led him to the bath and got him in it, he didn't take any heed at all of the cold water, there was no reaction at all. The poor guy was totally out of it she thought.

  Dark rose and grabbed the pot off the fire, it had started to simmer and she poured it slowly into the bath, it wouldn't make the bath water hot but at least it would take the edge off the coldness of it. She looked around and picked up the bar of soap Wollfen had found in the kitchen and started rubbing him down. Even now he simply sat staring off into nothingness, she wondered what could possibly be going on behind those vacant eyes?

  Almost an hour later Wollfen came back inside hot and sweaty from burying the two that were found dead. He noted that the man was now seated in fresh clothing but hadn't changed at all, he was still wide eyed and unmoving.

  “I take it there has been no change at all?” Dark shook her head,

>   “No nothing at all, I really don't know what to make of it?”

  Wollfen sat in quiet contemplation, could they take him like this on the trip to Outrock? They were still quite a few days off at least, no that wouldn't work at all. What could they do though? There was no town or village within a couple of days ride of here. Dark could see him thinking things over, she too had been having similar thoughts. She had also been thinking about how to snap this young man out of his state.

  “Hey? Do you think that you could use your magics to look into his mind? I mean, I know you are able to hear others talk when they contact you via mindtouch.” Wollfen didn't think so,

  “I doubt it, I am no healer. I haven't ever learned such skills, plus I am rusty in my magical skills even though I am supposed to be practicing. Seeing beacons of other magic capable people is mostly what I can handle really.”

  “Surely it can't hurt to at least try? I mean, oh I don't know, I have no idea about that stuff.”

  He could tell she was getting frustrated, but she was right. What harm was there in at least trying to look in?

  “I tell you what, I'll give something a go I used to be able to do along time ago, I will see if I can pick up on any images that are projecting through his mind.” Dark brightened,

  “Yes please, we have to do something to save him.”

  He moved around behind the man and placed his hands on either side of his head then closed his eyes. Slowly Wollfen projected his own consciousness into his mind and attempted to see. It was difficult at first but the longer he did it the more he remembered what to do, slowly images started to form. Then all of a sudden they became clear and not only did he see what this poor man had seen in the aftermath of the attack but he also felt his emotions too. Wollfen cried out a little but did not let go, he was assaulted by a wave of grief and pain that washed over him. Finally he let go opening his eyes which had tears in them,

  “His name is Justin and the dead are his parents, but I fear his sisters body is around here too, we must have missed it. I will look for her soon.”

  “Were you able to do anything to help him?” He shook his head,