Wolfe Pack Read online

Page 13

  He spotted the silhouettes of the two sentries standing off in the distance, quietly monitoring the surrounding woods. He didn't expect there to be any trouble, it had been over a month since the killing of the Lord and there hadn't been one single patrol that had left Outrock since. No they were all too scared to come out.

  He smiled to himself, a year ago his entire clan had been wiped out by the orcs and he thought his life was over, but now the possibilities were endless he realized. All it needed was a strong man just like himself to go out and take it. It was strange really, when he had been in the clan he didn't hold any standing, he wasn't thought of being very capable at all. All he got to do was some minor sentry duties and short patrols, no one ever gave him the respect he knew deep down he deserved. Yes that was it, respect, well he had that now, that and more.

  A man by the name of Henrick came up quietly from behind him and stood there looking out into the darkness in silent contemplation. Then after a minute he spoke,

  “Fine speech you made there,” Blackstorm nodded in appreciation, “Pity it was more talk than anything else.”

  Blackstorm gave a start and gave the man a sharp look,

  “You questioning my abilities?” Henrick shook his head,

  “No, but I do question where your mind is at.” Blackstorm swung the back of his hand at the man's head but he ducked away at the last moment, “Listen to me Storm!”

  “Why should I? Have I not delivered on my promises enough times?”

  “Maybe so, but you need to hear me out.”

  Storm was angry but he waved the man to go on, he rested his hand on his dagger to remind this upstart that he was close to being killed. Henrick though was well aware he was dancing with a dangerous person right now.

  “We may have killed the Lord in the gates of Outrock and yes that probably did shock the townspeople but do you really think they are cowering behind those walls? Do you remember what our spies are telling us? They aren't running scared, they are training up more people as soldiers, each week they have more. It's only a matter of time before they have enough men to come after us, they will search us out, mark my words.” Storm laughed,

  “Ha! They are soft people of the Kingdom! It's been a month! If they were going to do anything, it would have happened by now. No, they are sitting behind those walls waiting. They expect us to come riding in and get ourselves killed attacking them directly.” Henrick could only shake his head,

  “We don't know that, our last spy hasn't come back, he is well overdue, maybe they are already on their way? Who knows? We can't know, you won't send any more spies.”

  Storm was gripping the handle of his dagger tightly, all he wanted was an excuse to cut this mans throat and shut him up.

  “The last three spies all told us exactly the same thing. As for the last one, who knows what has happened to him, probably run off by my reckoning. Now shut up and leave me alone, otherwise I will run you through.”

  The last words were delivered with a growl through gritted teeth, he had had enough of this talk. Henrick knew to go, he turned on his heel and went back inside. By daybreak he would be gone, he was no fool like the rest of these men. None of them were smart enough to know to get out while the going was good.

  Wollfen and his team were on their second day of their ride and had two scouts far ahead watching for any activity or sign of the bandits he was sure were nearby. They were well past the spot where they had rescued Lord Hale from the clutches of the criminals. It was only a matter of time now before there was some contact. The eight of them had left the road hours before so as to not tip off any sentries, but how far out from whatever lair they had he did not know. It was best to be cautious.

  Being late afternoon he hoped they could find the nest of bandits and later be able to sneak up close in the dark with hopes of finding out how many there were. Once he could establish the size of the gang he could then formulate a plan of attack too. It was slow going though, he had made it understood to Kane and Solynne up ahead that they had to exercise extreme caution, if the enemy got wind of their presence then there was no telling how things would turn out.

  A few minutes later Solynne came galloping and pulled up, Wollfen held up his hand for the others to stop.

  “We found a sentry further up a valley to the left about five hundred yards ahead, Kane is going to see if he can get around him and do a quick reconnoiter before coming back. He recommends we wait for his return here.”

  “Alright sounds good,” He turned to the others, “Dismount we will lead our horses in for awhile before finding a place to tie them off. We are going to wait for Kane's return first though.”

  The others acknowledged his instructions getting off their horses quietly and waiting patiently, tension had been mounting slowly over the last couple of hours and now it was almost palpable. Everyone understood what danger they were in. Wollfen turned back to Solynne,

  “Did you see much evidence of traffic on the ground going into that valley?” She nodded,

  “Yes it is what tipped us off to the possibility of something being up there, the ground is well worn in that particular spot with only light wear continuing past it. It is obvious that is where they go in and out. The sentry confirms it.”

  He thought about this and voiced his thoughts on the subject,

  “I wonder if we can travel along the ridge line and drop down into the valley further in?” Solynne didn't think so,

  “From what I could see the hillsides there are rocky and get steeper the further in you go, it wouldn't surprise me if it is only one way in and out.”

  “Hmm, that doesn't help us at all, if we had fifty or more troops that would be an advantage but we are only eight, that is nowhere near enough to cage them in. It also means we can't do a hit and run into there because they would be able to run us down with sheer numbers.”

  He was disappointed by the news, the last couple of days Kane and him had been discussing hit and run tactics to whittle down the numbers of the gang over time. But with only one way in it meant they couldn't do so. Any attack would face a concentrated force. What was really needed was to have the bandits out in the open with the posse having the ability to attack from any direction and retreat again quickly.

  “All we can do then is wait for Kane to return and then decide where we go from here.”

  They didn't have long to wait, Kane came riding up to them about thirty minutes later and dismounted. He didn't waste any time in filling Wollfen in on what he saw.

  “Alright, I got past the sentry and managed to find a cave further up the valley, there were a couple of sentries near the entrance so I didn't get too close but I could hear sounds coming from it, a lot of voices there. It has to be where they are holed up.”

  “Did you manage to see anyone else besides the sentries?”

  “No, it appeared everyone was inside so picking off the sentries without alerting the rest shouldn't be too much of a problem. But there are other issues.”

  “Go on, I'm all ears.”

  “Well I went past the cave and looked to see if there was any other way into the valley but it stops about another half mile or so beyond. It is definitely a one ended valley. We can't openly attack them while they stay there.”

  “I was afraid of that and we have no idea if they plan a raid anytime soon either.”

  Wollfen had been brooding on that very thing since Solynne had told him of the nature of the valley.

  “Do you have any suggestions Kane?” He shook his head,

  “Nothing that doesn't involve us being chased down by a big group of angry bandits no.” Wollfen perked up at Kane's words,

  “Hmm, you may have something there eh?” Kane couldn't help but look at him with surprise,

  “You aren't seriously suggesting we ride in there directly and let them see us?” Wollfen nodded slowly as an idea formed in his head,

  “You know, that might work, it's risky, but I think I am willing to give it a go.” Kane
wasn't so sure,

  “You don't think that eight of us riding in and attacking is going to work out do you?” Wollfen smiled,

  “No, but two riding in and attacking might be just what we need to do.”

  One of the soldiers on loan from Outrock couldn't help but speak up,

  “Are you nuts? If two riders go in there they will be cut to pieces!” Wollfen understood his concerns,

  “Yes that could happen but I have a plan, gather around everyone,” The group closed in listening intently, “If we eliminate the three sentries first two riders could get very close to the cave entrance and fire a volley of arrows in. That would surely stir up a reaction I am sure. Also then they could bid a hasty retreat and I bet a number of bandits would give chase. That's exactly what we want, we need to draw the bandits out and have them out of that valley, then the rest of us can pick some off from different directions. I don't expect to wipe them out in one big battle, but if we can reduce their numbers piecemeal over time then we will achieve victory.”

  Again one of the soldiers spoke up,

  “Alright so we get some of them to give chase and we manage to kill a few, the rest will retreat back to the cave where the rest are. They surely won't come back out again to another volley of arrows, they will be prepared the next time and be on guard.”

  “Yes but I am not worried about that, I want to see how they react and what they do, it will give me more ideas on what to do next.”

  Wollfen looked around at all of them,

  “So right now I need two volunteers to ride in, it will be dangerous stuff too, I won't lie.”

  Justin stuck his hand up,

  “I'm game, I am good with a bow.” Wollfen hesitated,

  “Are you sure? You will be fighting men intent on killing you, are you prepared to kill in return?” Justin gave him a sober look,

  “I am ready to do what's needed yes.”

  “Alright then, you are one, who else will go in?”

  Keera sighed, she had been riding with Justin the last few days and gained a liking for him, he was a bright man, well built and full of energy. She would be damned if she sat by and watched him ride off to his death now, not if she could help it.

  “Count me in, I will ride with him.”

  “Okay Keera good, I'm glad you will do so, you can look after the recruit and keep him out of danger.”

  “Hey! I can take care of myself!”

  Justin's feelings were bruised by the comment but Wollfen would have nothing of it,

  “Listen to me Justin, Keera has been riding and fighting for ten years, she knows her stuff and you would do well to listen to her. She has the experience okay?”

  He nodded a little petulantly, he didn't like the idea of being given orders by a girl.

  “Now listen up everyone, these two will ride in early this evening while the moon is low, they can take care of the three sentries along the trail and we are going to disperse into pairs out here.” He looked around the others to make sure they understood then went on, “Your job will be to ride in from the flanks once you see these two hightailing it out of the valley. Attack with the idea of taking out one of their number and then retreating fast again. That way they don't get a chance to see how many of us there are and won't know which direction to go. If they split up it makes our job easier. We want to inflict casualties but not take any alright?” The team nodded but Keera spoke up,

  “What happens afterward? Where do we rendezvous?”

  “That's a good question, it is likely we will get split up and we can't stay anywhere near here, this place will be like a hornets nest for awhile. Alright let's do this, we stopped at a creek early this afternoon and is about four hours ride away, that should be a safe enough place to regroup. Are we agreed?”

  Again the rest nodded and replied with 'agreed.' Now all they had to do was wait for dusk and take their positions, it wouldn't be far off, the sun was very low in the sky already. Wollfen walked over to where Justin had sat himself up against a tree and he knelt down on his haunches,

  “So tell me, do you really think you are up for this? There is going to be some killing, you haven't done that before.” Justin didn't hesitate in responding,

  “I will be fine, I used to see wagon trains come through and stop from time to time and they usually had a dead person with them, sometimes it was because of sickness. Sometimes because the wagons had been attacked in the night. I even watched one man die of his wounds once.”

  “I know you are good with a bow Justin, but what about that sword you have now? Have you had much practice?” He nodded and smiled,

  “Yeah Keera has been showing me a lot, talking to me about how to move and whatnot while we are riding and when we take breaks she has been sparring with me. I think I will be okay.”

  Wollfen was a bit more realistic, it had only been a few days since Justin had met Keera,

  “I don't want you facing off in a sword fight Justin, only do it if you are cornered. If you can, you run, do you hear me?”

  He nodded slowly, he did it to keep Wollfen happy more than anything.

  “I will.”

  “Good man, well go grab Keera and make sure you two have got everything worked out.”

  Justin got up and walked off, Wollfen watched him go. He liked him and now in retrospect wished he hadn't joined his team. He didn't want to see the young man die in battle.

  Darkness was falling and he signaled everyone else to prepare, he knew it would take time for Keera and Justin to sneak in but they would be coming out of that valley fast. The team mounted their horses and paired up, Keera gave a wave as the two of them rode off towards the valley, Kane had given them good instructions on where to find the sentries.

  Wollfen looked to Dark,

  “So, are you ready?” She smiled and waved a dagger,

  “My crossbow is well oiled and I have a full quiver of bolts, just point me in the right direction and I will do my share.”

  He gave a smirk at her comment, that was an understatement and he knew it. Well he guessed he would see first hand just how much of the old Nightclan spirit still dwelled within her.

  They waited about fifteen minutes and then rode on toward the valley, the group split off into two pairs on either side of the road taking up positions a couple of hundred yards out. Kane and Solynne took the side that the two soldiers were on, Wollfen and Dark had one flank all to their own. They would wait here until they heard the chase was on then ride parallel to the road in the same direction as Keera and Justin would be riding. Then ride in, fire off a crossbow bolt and retreat again. Depending on how the bandits reacted and how many there were they may repeat the process. If they were very lucky they might be able to take down the lot.

  Justin and Keera were moving along stealthily sneaking up on the last sentry on the right, the other two had already been disposed of. She leaned over to his ear, her lips brushing it, then she whispered in an almost inaudible tone,

  “I'll take this one.”

  He waited and watched as she crawled forward inching slowly closer. It took her about five minutes to cover the last two yards and then she was up in a flash, hand over the man's mouth from behind plunging her dagger into his lower back. The man jerked and there was a muffled cry, then he went limp and she slowly let him sink to the ground. Justin couldn't help but admire her in action, she was some woman. She was nothing like anybody he had ever seen before.

  The two of them made their way back to their horses tied up at a branch and mounted up. They quietly rode without a word up the valley toward where the cave was supposed to be. It was dark in this valley as the moon still hadn't crested the ridge. Then they noticed a glow up ahead, that must be the cave, the two of them readied their weapons, Justin had his bow with an arrow notched and Keera had her crossbow set and ready to go. They moved closer and Keera let out a low whisper,

  “Shit! Two more sentries at the entrance!”

  Justin didn't hesitate letting fly with hi
s first arrow and then notching another, even before the first arrow had found its target he had pulled back and was releasing the second. Both arrows found their mark and the two men crumpled to the ground with only a little noise. As they approached Keera was almost in shock, the two men were both hit in the neck, she looked at Justin. He really knew his craft when it came to using the bow. She leaned in close to his ear again,

  “Do you know how turned on I am right now? I'm getting wet down below.”

  Justin stared back open mouthed and wide eyed then his thoughts snapped back. They were still sitting on their horses at the entrance of the cave, there was a shout from inside and the two of them let fly with their weapons, Justin got three arrows off and Keera managed a bolt from her crossbow. Then they turned and bolted, there were cries from behind them as they retreated and neither of them looked back. They could hear the commotion growing as the bandits poured outside and there were shouts of anger.

  It was only a minute before a good ten men on horseback were giving chase as the two left the valley, they gave a look to either side as they galloped along but couldn't see any of their companions, they sure hoped they were there. Covering about four hundred yards more the two of them heard a cry and more shouting, Keera had a quick look and saw a riderless horse. Then she turned back and focused on the road ahead, the bandits were not slowing at all.

  There was a scream this time and another bandit fell, but this time neither Justin or Keera bothered to look, the bandits were actually closing the gap. Then there was another cry but still the bandits came on. This is getting hairy, Keera thought. She looked across to Justin who was grinning widely, she couldn't believe it, he was having fun! She gave a quick look behind her, damn it, they were fifty yards behind and closing, they had to do something. She called out to Justin in a loud voice,

  “We have to split up and double back onto our companions! That will give them a chance to take the rest down! Do you understand?”

  He nodded with a big smile and turned off the road to the left, she did the same to the right and galloped off through the woods in a slow arc to bring the chasers about. She only hoped that the timing was right.