Wolfe Pack Read online

Page 2

  “Hello Solynne how are you?”

  She gave a small scowl and pointed to her own arm, he realized there was a bandage which he could see through a cut in the sleeve of her green tunic.

  “I ran into a couple of bandits on the road coming into town, they tried to ambush me as the sun was setting, needless to say I left them beside the road.” Wollfen looked on with concern,

  “I hope your injury is not too serious?” She waved a dismissive hand at him,

  “Far less of an inconvenience than having to deal with the local sheriff, I reported all that happened to him as soon as I arrived, it's where I have been for the last hour, the man was a pain in the ass. He actually had me writing up a report for him, I should never have let him know I could read and write.” Wollfen chuckled,

  “Poor Solynne, more at home in hand to hand combat than writing out a page of words.” Solynne gave him the finger and looked around,

  “How does someone get any service around here? I am starving and that ale of yours looks good.”

  Wollfen gestured at Dark behind the bar and pointed to his ale, mouthing the words for another. She came over and placed the ale before Solynne.

  “Can I ask if you have any meals prepared?”

  “No the kitchen is closed down for the night but I could put together a plate of some leftovers, they will be cold though.” Solynne sighed,

  “Yes please it will do, I haven't eaten all day.” Wollfen coughed and they both looked to him,

  “Solynne, this is Darkling Bruadar formally of the Nightclan Berengah.” They looked to each other and said their hellos.

  “So you are Darkling are you? Wollfen mentioned on the highway that he felt a strong presence in magics a couple of days ago, has he spoken much to you?” Dark shook her head,

  “No, I have been busy all evening and only managed to sit down with him for a few minutes. I will be finishing up soon for the evening, I can come back then?” Wollfen nodded without saying a word and Dark left. Solynne looked back to him,

  “So, she looks a bit pudgy but I can see she still has a certain hardness to her, what do you think? Can she become one of the group?” He shrugged,

  “It's too early to say, I have only spoken to her for a couple of minutes, hopefully we can see how things go over the next couple of days.”

  Dark returned with a plate of cold cuts and vegetables then smiled,

  “They are on the house, Kels hopes you enjoy your stay. Also I will be back in a few minutes, I have some dishes to take care of.”

  Solynne tucked into the food without a word, stuffing her face and chewing fast, she was famished. Wollfen looked on with a slight smile and shake of the head, Solynne gave him the finger once again.

  A few minutes later Dark returned and sat down beside Wollfen, she could smell him and felt her interest in him rise again. He certainly was an intriguing character.

  “So you were going to tell me more about magics and my talent?”

  “Yes that and more but I have to ask you Dark, I am actually interested in seeing if you may wish to join me on my journeys?”

  Dark stared at him for a moment, this man sure was forward and to the point,

  “Why would I do that?”

  “I have need of extra people for a team I am putting together, I wish to create a capable ranging party that can travel long distances and deal with conflicts or issues around the towns and villages of the Kingdom.”

  It certainly sounded intriguing, her life here wasn't exactly exciting and the wilds were where she felt most comfortable.

  “Are you offering me a job as a mercenary?” He shook his head,

  “Not a mercenary no, you are not going to be hired by me or any government for that matter, this is entirely voluntary.” This was starting to sound rather curious and she couldn't help but be interested,

  “Please go on, you have my attention.” Wollfen gave a little smile,

  “Obviously I don't expect you to get nothing out of it, I am prepared to teach you magics that will give you an edge in life as well as a greater insight into the ways of the world in relation to your spirituality.” Dark snorted at that last comment,

  “Spirituality? Are you serious? You aren't some gods lover are you? I'd hate to spend my time kneeling in front of some altar moaning and swaying in the hope I reach some divine inspiration.”

  “No no, nothing like that, but I will teach you what I know of the gods, they are there you know, they do exist even if they don't make their presence known on a day to day basis.”

  “Well I don't know, what do you hope to achieve?”

  “Not a lot, simply guide this society towards a better path, making sure the people don't go off the rails so to speak. Plus I want to eventually work out the question of the orcs, what can be done about them.” The last part is what really caught Dark's attention,

  “We would be hunting orcs?”

  “I think that would be a part of it yes.”

  Dark didn't hesitate, any opportunity to get back at the orcs and dish out some vengeance was fine by her.

  “I'm in, any chance to hit the orcs and make them suffer is very welcome.” Wollfen smiled and looked to Solynne holding up three fingers,

  “We are three.” Solynne then spoke up,

  “It may be four actually.”

  “Oh? You have come across someone too?” She nodded,

  “I know of a blacksmith in the next town across to the east, his name is Kane and I have seen him practicing with the weapons he crafts, his swordsmanship is quite good. I also had a talk with him and he is quite intelligent too.”

  “Sounds interesting, we will have to go meet him and see.”

  “Well not tonight, I am plain wore out, I haven't even worked out a place to sleep yet.” Wollfen reached into his tunic and produced a key,

  “Here take this, my room is at the far end. There has two beds, make yourself at home.” Solynne smiled while rising,

  “That sounds great I am going off to sleep, you two enjoy.”

  She turned and walked away leaving Dark and Wollfen who looked at each other,

  “So what are you doing now?” Dark shrugged, “Would you mind a walk outside for awhile? I feel the need to breathe some night air.”

  Dark smiled and nodded as she got up, they both walked out into the cool night, there was a slight breeze which was pleasant.

  They walked along for a minute without a word and then Wollfen commented,

  “The moon is certainly bright and full tonight, it looks like almost daylight out.” Darkling agreed,

  “Yes, it is nice, you know there is a stream nearby we can walk to, would you like to sit by it for awhile?”

  Certainly, I like the water.”

  Dark led the way and within a minute they entered a small clearing beside a trickling stream , it wasn't very big but it was pretty. The embankment was maybe a foot higher than the water and Dark slipped her boots and socks of before dangling her feet over the edge, the water was cool on her toes. She looked up at Wollfen standing there who was scanning the woods, did he ever relax?

  “Why don't you join me? It's quite nice.”

  He looked down for a second then removed his own boots and sat down beside her, the two of them swishing their feet.

  “So Wollfen, who are you really? You haven't spoken of yourself at all tonight, you know far more about me than I do of you.” He sat there looking off for a moment in thought, and then he turned to her,

  “I am not much more than a wanderer who picks up jobs along the way, I have traveled these lands for many years and seen much of it from the old Nightclan territories to the Kingdom territories too.”

  “So you have met Nightclan people when they were around?”

  “Yes, I counted many of them as friends, I knew the leader Ironside of the clan Horungar very well and I was there in the weeks before what happened.”

  “Oh, then you are very aware of all that happened, Horungar was only one valley acro
ss from us when it all went down. There was a friend of mine in Horungar, her name was Ravenwing, I am sure you would have known of her, she had a big reputation amongst many of the clans and I always wondered if she made it out too. She was a very powerful warrior.”

  Wollfen sat there and stared out over the water, Dark could see his face harden, what had she touched on?

  “No.” Was all he said, she was curious now,

  “You knew her well too?”

  He turned and looked at her, she could see he was trying to speak but was conflicted. Oh no, all of a sudden she realized,

  “I'm sorry, I had no idea, I'm so sorry.”

  He shook his head slow and looked back to the water, they sat there quietly for a little while not saying anything and then he spoke once more in a whisper hardly audible,

  “I miss her.” She watched his emotions play across his face, this hard man of the world, now looking so vulnerable.

  “I miss my family too, I still cry for them.”

  Dark turned around facing him now and took him in her arms, he responded hugging her back, they held each other for awhile and remained silent, it was enough. She looked up into his slightly wet eyes and her heart went out to him, this man knew her pain.

  Leaning up to his mouth she gently kissed him, their warm lips pressing together, it felt good. He opened his mouth slightly, their tongues tentatively touching, exploring then becoming more passionate and urgent. They kissed now with a rising heat, embracing and squeezing each other. Wollfen lay back on the grass and Dark straddled him as they continued kissing deeply, she felt him growing in his pants and she instinctively gyrated her warm mound against his bulge. Their passion grew as he kissed and sucked at her neck, Dark slid her hands inside his pants and felt his warm hard rod, gripping it she stroked it and heard him moan a little.

  Then all of a sudden Dark pulled away and got up,

  “I'm sorry I can't do this,” She panted, “It's too much too soon, oh I don't know.”

  Dark grabbed her boots and ran off back into the village, Wollfen was left laying there panting looking up into the night sky.

  He too was feeling conflicted, the passion that rose between them was so powerful and urgent, he hadn't felt like that in a year, what did it mean? He looked around at his surroundings as if somehow there were answers to be seen, obviously not. Still panting a bit he pulled himself up onto his elbows and stared over the stream thinking about what had just happened.

  He sighed out loud, Dark was certainly an interesting person, pretty too. And that passion she showed, well it got him thinking that's for sure. He had been watching her all night in the tavern and had found her to be an intriguing woman. It surprised him really, his heart still hurt at the death of Raven a year before and yet here he was getting churned up over this woman he had just met a few hours ago.

  Wollfen pulled himself up and looked around once more out of habit than anything, pulling his boots on he sauntered back to the tavern and went to bed. Solynne was sound asleep in the other bed slightly snoring, she was dead to the world. Looking up at the ceiling so many thoughts were passing through his head, he couldn't sleep. Should he go see her? Maybe, maybe not. No wait till morning, yes that was best. Well, is that really what he wanted to do? He doubted there would be any sleep tonight if he didn't go now. Oh for crying out loud, what was he to do?

  Meanwhile Dark was also laying in bed, staring up at her ceiling with so many thoughts going through her head. Her pussy was wet and aching, oh she wanted that man, wanted him bad. What the heck was wrong with her? She was having trouble understanding her own passion at this man, he is almost a complete stranger?

  At that moment Dimarus let himself into the bedroom and Dark looked across trying to look calm,

  “Hello Dimarus, how are you?” He smiled and sat down beside her,

  “It's been a good day, I made some good money.”

  “That's good.” She smiled back.

  Dimarus lay down beside her giving her a hug and she embraced him, it was something she certainly needed right now. After a minute he began kissing her forehead , slowly moving down her face. She resisted at first in a way, but her passion was still running and she let him. Pushing thoughts of Wollfen out of her mind, well at least trying to she kissed back and she felt his urgency grow. Dark grunted a little and tried to push him away but it was only half-hearted, right now she felt confused and yet needing the attention, what was she to do? As his kisses descended to her neck she let out a small moan which drove him on, unbuttoning her top he kissed and licked over each of her breasts. Her nipples became hard in his mouth, he tugged on them with his teeth and finally she gave in, she couldn't resist anymore.

  Running her fingers through his hair and gripping she guided his mouth over each nipple making him suck and lick to her delight, all thoughts were driven from her mind as passion took over. She pushed him down to her belly and Dark felt him undo her pants, pulling them down and off. Spreading her legs wide and gyrating her crotch up to his mouth she felt his tongue slide down her wet lips, parting them and she shook at the touch. Dimarus guided his tongue around and over her wet mound making her jump and groan quietly. She gyrated against his mouth now still holding his head firmly, feeling his tongue slip inside her gasping. Her juices were flowing and covering his face, oh it felt so so good, far better than this morning when he shot his load and left.

  All of a sudden Dimarus pulled away and stripped off. He turned her over and got Dark on all fours, then he kneeled behind her on the bed and slipped his hard rod into her wetness. Then, grabbing her hips and holding tight started to fuck her firmly. Finally Dark moaned louder as she felt him pumping her deep, oh yes she was going to cum very soon, she reached down between her own legs and massaged herself, groaning.

  Then there was a voice from the other side of the bedroom door,

  “Dark? Are you okay?”

  Who was that? The door swung open and Wollfen stood there looking in with a look of shock on his face.

  Dimarus was oblivious to his surroundings, pumping hard into Dark who was looking at Wollfen staring back, she could only utter a quiet 'Wolf' but she couldn't do anything, she was cumming and it took all of her thoughts away as her eyes rolled back into her head and she moaned out loud. Dimarus too moaned loud and just as he came pulled out, shooting his load on her ass and shirt. He collapsed onto the bed and lay there facing away from her panting heavily. Dark finally managed to push open her eyes but Wollfen could not be seen. She panicked and leaped up racing out out the front, looking around the street standing there in her shirt only she called out,

  “Wollfen? I'm so sorry! Wollfen?”

  But there was no sign of him, she raced back inside and pulled her pants back on before leaving again, Dimarus was already asleep.

  She ran barefoot down the road towards the tavern hoping to catch up with Wollfen and sure enough he was there slowly walking along,

  “Wollfen!” He turned at the call and saw her approach, a look of disdain on his face, she pulled up in front of him with an earnest look of her own, “I'm so sorry! I didn't tell you, I have a lover! I am so so sorry!”

  He shook his head,

  “I shouldn't have come to visit you, it's my fault, I don't know what I was thinking. Stupid, stupid thoughts.”

  “No please, it's not like that at all, I felt very confused after our time together, I was, I was, oh I don't know, I am still confused.”

  “It matters not Dark, you owe me nothing, you have a man in your life.”

  “No it's not like that!” She was desperate to make him see, “Please!”

  He only shook his head and turned away, walking back to the tavern. Dark stood there crying in the street looking down at the ground, holding herself. Oh she had fucked up bad, it was all her fault. Why did this have to happen? Finally she started walking back to her cabin, what had she lost? She felt like a great opportunity had been destroyed and it was tearing her up inside. Oh gods, she felt for him,
she was beginning to love that man and now it was all ruined. Dark continued walking along the road not even noticing she had passed her own cabin, she was lost in her thoughts and anguish. Even when the road started to become gravelly and hurt her bare feet she hardly noticed.

  The next morning Wollfen found Solynne up and dressed, ready for the day,

  “Come on sleepy head, times awasting.” He grunted at her.

  He hadn't slept much at all, his head had been filled with the thoughts of Dark even now. He needed to move on, what else was there? He got dressed and they moved downstairs to a table and ordered some breakfast, Dark was nowhere to be seen.

  “So what do you think we should do today Wolf?”

  He looked up without seeing her, deep in thought,


  “I said what are we to do today?” Finally he focused,

  “Oh, um, lets go see this man you spoke of last night, Kane was it? In the next town?”

  “Yes, that's it, the blacksmith. If we leave immediately we can make it back here by mid afternoon.”

  “Yeah okay let's do it.”

  The two of them filed out the front door and walked over to a stable where their horses were kept, they had them saddled before long and were trotting out of town to the east.

  It was a pleasant enough ride, the early morning sun was not hot at all and the slight breeze while a bit cool felt good.

  “So how did things go with Dark last night?”

  Solynne had seen Wollfen was in a contemplative mood and knew he would need a bit of prodding to start talking.

  “Oh, it was different, that's for sure, I am also thinking that things will not work out, I think we can cross her off.”

  “Really? With her background and her magical potential I thought she would have been an ideal candidate for our team.”

  “I thought so too, but things didn't turn out that way, I am sure if we took her on, there would be complications. I'm not sure a Nightclan person is the way to go anyway come to think of it.”

  “Oh no? You were looking forward to checking her out before we arrived and when I got there I could tell you had an extra interest in her, so what happened?”