Angels Blood Read online

Page 3

  “Come to think of it she is right,” Solynne quipped. “We were on the outskirts of the town as Nightwing scouted and I remember seeing everything was stripped bare.”

  The more Wollfen learned, the bigger the enemy forces got. To hit so many towns and strip them, take away all that was there so quickly and hit others too meant many of the towns were attacked simultaneously. It also meant that the thousand he was thinking was even larger again. So why destroy them? For what reason? They had no real military advantage in doing so.

  Kane spoke up,

  “It would be what I would do if I was clearing an area to make room for my coming army. Without any local population in place, there wouldn’t be any word filtering back on their comings and goings. The enemy being here will get back to the Kingdom anyway, so now, they have no reports from this moment on other than that there is something here. It will take time for the Kingdom to send out scouts, investigate and report back and even then the Kingdom will be expending resources and men to keep up with what’s going on. There will be no gossip though to rely on from travelers and trade people since they are all gone. In effect, this area will be in the hands of the enemy and the Kingdom will have no idea of what’s behind the front lines when they become established after the first major battle.”

  Mm, it made sense, it was barbaric though. All those people gone, but they had struck and had established a large area to campaign from. It had been all too easy. Wollfen kept thinking out loud,

  “It also means that when the scouts arrive for a look see, they will see what they think is a smaller force preparing embattlements and defenses. The Kingdom will react of course, probably with a detachment of say five to eight thousand men initially to deal with them. Lets think, it will be about a weeks ride before they get word and probably another day before they dispatch riders, then a week for them to get here. They will stay another day and night scouting the forces of the enemy and a week back to the Castle. Then another week for them to prepare that many troops to get here to battle etc etc. Moving a full contingent of 5,000 men with full supplies, battle gear, mobile hospital and who knows what else will take a lot longer than a week to get here. So the invading force still has at the very least five weeks to be in preparation, probably more. The enemy could move a lot of men into place and have them dug in quite well by the time the Kingdom tried to do something about it.”

  “And there is more.” Nightwing added, “The King who sits the throne has never fought a battle and isn’t the quickest person around either. He spends his days traveling the coast in the summertime playing with his mistresses on the beach. Then he is in the north lands playing with those same mistresses during the winter at Hiddensound in the mountains. Word will have to be sent from the castle to the King on the coast this time of year. The Lords and Warlords of his council won’t make a single decision in his absence. They are all handpicked men, more interested in their own self absorbed goals than matters of state.”

  Nightwing's words were sobering.

  “You are right. The very same things we were about to campaign against are the things that have eaten this Kingdom out from the inside. For so many years we have had great wealth and no challenges, nothing to worry about. There hasn’t been a force in over 20 years to challenge this country, now we have grown soft and are totally unprepared for any potential conqueror. None of the Kingdom’s military from sergeants down have seen a battle let alone a war.”

  They all looked around at each other, Wollfen could see in their eyes, ‘So what now?’

  “What we have to do is send a messenger to the King directly. We have to try. Two of you will ride to the coast and find his entourage. Tell of what you have seen and, well, tell them you saw a blanket of troops covering the hillside at one stage. That should put the wind up him. Also describe the uniform too, that may convey to some of his advisers with him that it is worth taking note. Maybe one or two are familiar with the garb. The King just might act quickly if we are lucky. Also the rest of us will have to split up initially. Another two of you are to go out and scout for the main force and shadow them for a couple of days, gather what information you can. That’ll be your job Kane and Solynne. Dark, Justin, Keera and I will travel south to the only deep-water harbor at Port Cholandra and see what can be found there. It can be the only place they could disembark large numbers of men and equipment.”

  Wollfen turned to Nightwing,

  “You and Loranda will go to the north coast. You have your status from your old life and your title to call upon. That will help you get an audience with the King. Do not make any mention of us. I shall expect updates each evening from you after three nights.” Nightwing stood up and he gave her a quick hug, “Godspeed my friend.”

  “And also to you Wolf.” And away she went.

  “We have all eaten and it is time to move. This area will very quickly become a dangerous place to be and time is of the essence. You all know what to do, now don’t go do something silly and get caught eh?”

  They all chuckled and started packing to move out.

  Later, Dark and Wollfen moved through the night slowly riding along quietly talking as he explained to her the findings and decisions made at the campfire. He understood that she gave way to his leadership and would not question him unless she felt it was important. He liked having her there to bounce ideas off too. After his time was done, he would like to retire to a quiet place and be on a more equal footing with her. He never really liked being a leader, it just happened to be a talent he had. People gravitated to him whenever he stood in and took control. Maybe that’s why he had shunned large populations in the past, trying to get away from all those people wanting direction.

  That wasn’t what he wanted now. He may not have cared for them on a day-to-day basis, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to watch them get slaughtered either. No, the more he thought about it, the more he realized just how much he cared about them. It wasn’t such a bad feeling, before when he had been putting together his group, it had been frustration and ideals of right and wrong that had driven him to act. Now, it was different, now it was more personal and more about the people than just ideals, he didn’t mind at all.

  Dark sat there watching him all the while. After he had grown silent she thought about what was happening. She felt a lot of trepidation and also regret, regret for losing out on what they had wanted to do, save the people from themselves. Well, she guessed they were saving them from something much worse now so maybe their purpose was still valid. She felt a fear at the thought of open battles fought here on the land and wherever else. She had given skirmishes up when Wollfen had come along. She had seen enough blood, human and orc alike. His crusade had promised to be just as exciting and a whole lot less deadly, ‘Ah well, easy come easy go, get over it Dark.’

  She watched him, he was lost in his thoughts again and there for her to see were his emotions crossing his face. So easy to read, she loved him more than any man she had ever known. He was her idea of a real man. She had never come across his like before, caring and considerate, took control when needed and was always interested to hear what she said. Oh yes, he knew how to please her in the sack too. Sometimes he could be an obstinate little shit though. Well, no one is perfect are they?

  Keera and Justin were following close behind. The young man was deep in thought too, he had a good upbringing on the family farm. Justin thought back to those days when his life changed. Orcs had raided the place and killed his father, mother and sister. He had been off working over the rise in the fields and hearing the commotion had taken flight into the trees. When he had returned he had found them there, all dead and partially eaten. Justin had thrown up on the spot and collapsed. If only he had tried something. He had fallen into a funk of self -blame and retribution, wandering the acreage listlessly without any coherent thoughts, a turmoil of emotions. It was Wollfen who had come across him and saved him. By that time, he was almost starved and would only stare. All he could remember of that t
ime was Wollfen asking if they had problems with Orcs there before.

  Dark had taken care of him for the next couple of days, even bathed him and he would sit blankly staring. It had taken a long time before they had gotten through to him. He didn’t even remember them burying his family. He still felt empty sometimes, but Keera had made a big difference too. He loved her almost as much as his family, she made his life bearable again.

  Keera reached across and stroked his back while they rode. She could see he was reliving some hard moments and there wasn’t much for it but be here for him, quietly wait for him to come back. Yes, she cared for him, even loved him in a way. It must have been her maternal instincts she was feeling? They were certainly strange. She had never had the urge for children but had preferred the rough and tumble of the male’s world, becoming a mercenary those few years ago was second nature. Her life was taking a path she could never have imagined and she found it exciting, even satisfying. As long as it remained that way she would be happy.

  Wollfen pulled up,

  “Time to take some sleep. We should be able to get about four hours while it is still dark. Each of us will take an hour watch, the rest bed down. I’ll go first.”

  They had stopped near the base of a ridge, an outcrop of rock hanging over what was a poor excuse for a cave. There, they laid their blankets out and took their rest. The horses were tethered and given oat bags hung around their heads to eat. Those last four hours of the night seemed to pass quickly for all concerned.

  The following morning the group ate some strips of meat from the venison the evening before, but already it was starting to turn and wouldn’t last the day. They packed, mounted and moved on, the four of them quietly winding their way through the forest, making sure they didn’t travel any roads. There were too many unknown factors now, much safer to travel their own path. The going was a bit slower but at this moment they had time and staying out of eyesight was the most important thing. The morning’s ride was uneventful other than disturbing a Razorback in a bit of undergrowth that sent him squealing and running off.

  “Hey Dark, how are you holding up?”

  Dark looked up and smiled back,

  “Just fine thanks.”

  Around midday they stopped again, this time they sat down and pulled out some dried fruit. They would need to find some more substantial food before the day’s end, a little hunting trip would be on the cards soon. Keera looked around from their vantage point. They were at the edge of a forest with an open field before them. It was maybe a hundred yards wide and extending for almost as far as the eye could see. It had obviously once been cleared either for timber or farming at one time but was now overgrown and grazed by whatever animals lived in the forest. She was tired of venison, maybe there was a wild cow running loose here?

  Then she spotted him, a man in all black on a jet-black horse, the rider had long white flowing hair. Strangely beautiful he was, Keera quietly called out to the others,


  The others immediately switched to full alert, only Wollfen sat quietly eating not paying attention. The rest looked on and Justin commented,

  “About 200 yards distant, I could take him with my longbow.”

  The rider stood silently in the middle of the clearing side on to them as plain as day, not moving but watching.

  “He must have just come across us,” Keera announced.

  “No.” Wollfen got up, “He has been shadowing us all morning.”

  “You knew and didn’t say anything? None of us saw him.”

  “And you wouldn’t, he didn’t want to be seen. He is Elven, a true master at the art of concealment.”

  Justin spoke before he thought,

  “But you knew he was there?”


  Wollfen didn’t care to elaborate. Dark gave a little smile, this man is still full of surprises she thought.

  “So what does he want?” Justin quipped.

  Wollfen looked out at the rider who now turned his horse to face them but still did not move, quietly waiting.

  “He wishes to parley.”

  At that moment Wollfen stepped out into the open and strode across the meadow a good twenty yards. Then, stood hands hooked into his belt, turned slightly with one leg slightly bent, watching the rider. Justin made a move for his longbow and Dark lifted her hand motioning him to stay. They stood there and stared.

  The rider watched that man dressed in black and brown step out and stand in invitation to him. He moved forward quietly but alertly not watching the lone figure but the others in the trees. The Elvish warrior knew where he stood with that man. It was the others in the trees he was concerned about. He could sense a couple of them were skittish. As he approached he saw deeper into the man’s eyes and he could sense an underlying power. He was right to make his presence known, this man had purpose in the world.

  Wollfen greeted the elf in Elven tongue much to the rider’s surprise. A little taken aback, he returned the favor in the Kingdom’s tongue and Wollfen raised an eyebrow. He looked this elf up and down. His clothes were spotless and perfect. He saw a sword on his hip, not the sort of thing elves would normally carry. The bow on his back went without saying. All elves were brought up to use a bow, male or female. The horse was something altogether different. As the rider approached he could tell this horse, black as the night, was of some purer strain than he had ever seen before. Wollfen wasn’t aware of such elven breeding.

  The elf noticed how Wollfen scrutinized his mount.

  “He has Dragon’s blood in his veins.”

  Now Wollfen was truly surprised.

  “Oh? And he is still alive?”

  He reached up to touch the horse’s nose and let the animal smell him but the creatures eyes glowed red and it snapped at his hand.

  “Careful! He will not allow the touch of any human hand.”

  Wollfen took this in and was more curious. He stared into those reddish glowing eyes, entered the mind of the beast, then slowly raised his hand again. This time the horse did not react. It allowed him to stroke his nose and snorted appreciatively.

  The elf looking on could not help but be surprised,

  “You have Elvish blood maybe?” He queried.

  “No, not at all,” and Wollfen left it at that. “So, what may we be to you?”

  “I wish to join your group. With what passes through this lower land at present, I believe we shall be safer in numbers. I mean you no ill.”

  Wollfen contemplated the elf's words,

  “Yes, you speak truthfully; my name is Wollfen, what is yours?”

  “It is in human speak, Eldoron, and in Elven…..”

  An unutterable flow of syllables came out of which Wollfen immediately lost track.

  “Yes well Eldoron, I may speak Elven but I’m afraid names still manage to be beyond me, anyway you are welcome to join us.”

  “I thank you Lord Wollfen.”

  Lord Wollfen? He decided to let it slide for now. Only one other had ever called him that and if this elf was some sort of emissary or agent of them then it could be addressed in good time. Wollfen turned with the elf slightly off to one side and back a bit they approached the other three exchanging greetings.

  “So elf, what are you doing in these parts anyway?”

  “I have traveled for a number of years around this land, learning as I go. No I am not an outcast. I chose to be away from my own kind. I grew tired of the so-called perfection and purity. There is a certain emptiness to it.”

  Wollfen had never heard an elf speak so before. This was something new and it intrigued him.

  The others were full of questions bombarding him one after the other and the elf was gracious enough to spend his time answering. None of the others had ever met a real elf before, they had only heard stories told in taverns of fleeting glimpses and of eerie stories.

  Wollfen watched on quietly, carefully studying him. Keera was studying him too, looking at his crisp black riding clothe
s. It looked like he had just stepped out of the tailorsmith of some city rather than traveling out here in the grime of the outlands. His sword was interesting too. The scabbard she could see was of hard leather engraved with glyphs over its entire length and polished black. The grip too was wrapped black leather with silver highlights on either end and more glyphs. Both the pommel and the cross carried them, it was beautiful to look at and she was sure even nicer to wield.

  They chatted for a bit more. The elf seemed fine to Wollfen and he had no reason to distrust him. Elvenkind were a moral race except for the rogues. Rogues rejected everything elves stood for and even went out of their way not to look like them, usually dirtier and rougher looking, this one here was no rogue.

  “It's time we move.”

  They all finished their talk and began preparing for the next leg of the journey. They all fell into position, Keera and Justin out front. Wollfen and Dark following, the elf bringing up the rear. On they trekked southwesterly, keeping their eyes open and ears pricked listening and watching for anything out of place. The further they traveled the more likely they were to run into the enemy.

  Wollfen leaned over to Dark,

  “Would it be okay if I spoke to the elf for a bit?” Dark nodded and motioned to the elf to take her place and she fell back. “It’s time we talked Eldoron.”

  “Yes, I have a message for you. I have been sent to contact you and offer my services.”

  “I was expecting the message but not your offer. Under what terms do you offer it?”

  “I am here of my own free will in service of the powers that be, to serve all beings and future health of this land and I know that is your goal too.”

  “Well said, did you rehearse it?”

  The elf actually cracked a little smile.

  “A bit much? It usually works very well on humankind, you are a wise one for a person so young.”

  To the elf, Wollfen, being human, would seem young indeed. They were a much more long-lived race than humans, and that also meant they developed a lot slower too. Two hundred and fifty years was a reasonable age to live to for them. Wollfen looked across and studied his face more closely, how old was he?