Wolfe Pack Page 5
“So you two didn't manage to sleep much last night I take it?”
The two of them looked at each other and smiled coyly, it was still early days for these two and they were acting shy. Their breakfasts were brought out in short order and they got stuck into their fare, Wollfen noticed that Kane looked a bit bleary eyed. Obviously Solynne taxed him somewhat but he wouldn't pry, though he did find it rather funny. Each time he had seen them together with others around they acted like they didn't terribly like each other but it was obviously a front.
They all sat there quietly, the two lovebirds eating while Wollfen watched on sometimes scanning the room, of Keera there was no sign. She had obviously left with the wagons that had moved out earlier making their way south.
“What time do you want to go see Dark?” It was Solynne who spoke now that she had polished off her meal.
“Oh there is no rush, when Kane finally finishes we can go have a look in and see how she is.”
Kane gave a grunt and squinted, he kept eating at his own pace. He wasn't going to be pushed.
About ten minutes later the three of them left the tavern and started the walk towards the healers residence. As they passed the tavern's stable though a rather disheveled Keera came stumbling out, she was still in her clothes but they were mostly undone. As the three of them stopped and watched she started fixing herself, buttoning up her pants and top. Kane was smiling and Solynne gave him a thump in the upper arm.
“Keera? Are you okay?”
She looked around, squinted at the sun and then turned, puking on the ground. She was badly hungover. Wollfen motioned for Solynne, she went and held Keera steering her to a log and sat her down. Wollfen stood before her,
“Something tells me you don't have a job anymore.”
Keera could only shake her head slightly, it hurt. Wollfen looked around and then made a decision,
“Why don't you two take her back to the tavern and deal with this. I'll go see Dark and see how she is, then I'll come back to see you three.”
They all agreed and Wollfen walked off toward the healers place.
A few minutes later Wollfen showed up in the open doorway of the healers practice and the nurse ushered him along, they walked in to find Dark sitting up in bed propped up on some pillows. She smiled as she saw Wollfen and he came over sitting next to her facing each other.
“It's good to see you are awake, you don't look too bad at all.” Dark managed a wan smile and replied in a weak voice,
“I'll be back up workin at the bar by this afternoon.”
He gave a little laugh, at least she still had her sense of humor.
“I'm glad you aren't too seriously injured, I was worried about you.” Dark's interest perked up at that last statement,
“You care? Even after what you saw that night?”
He nodded quietly and gave a little smile. A tear welled up in her eye and she reached out with her good arm, taking his hand. They each gave a squeeze in understanding. Nothing more needed to be said, they understood there was something between them.
Wollfen spent about half an hour sitting there being quiet and watching on. He could see she was getting tired though,
“I am going to leave you for now, I am off on a journey for awhile but I will return. You take care of yourself okay? I will be back.”
Dark gave a slightly pained look, not from her injuries but knowing she wouldn't see him for awhile.
“Take care of yourself on the road and come back soon.”
He nodded, then leaned forward, kissing her on each cheek then softly on the lips.
He left for the tavern to check up on the other three and wondered if what Keera had done was something she normally did? It could be a problem in the future. When he arrived he saw Kane and Solynne together but there was no sign of Keera.
“Hey you two, where is she?” Solynne shook her head as Kane spoke up,
“Oh she didn't sit for long, she decided to go off and get her reward money from the sheriff, I'm thinking she will leave after that.”
Wollfen sighed, things were never easy were they? It didn't look like it was going to work out with the new girl. Just as Wollfen allowed himself to fall down into a seat Keera came clumping in and she was fuming.
“Can you believe it? That bastard took my money!” The three looked at each other,
“Who? The sheriff?” Keera looked exasperated,
“No, my boss with the wagons! He made up some cock and bull story about collecting the money for me and left town! I am going to open him up when I see him! Mark my words!” Wollfen motioned for her to sit down,
“Okay hang on, take a moment to catch you breath. I can see you are swaying on your feet, you are in no condition to ride.”
“Bullshit! I am going to go after him right now!” She turned to go out the door and Wollfen called out in a sharp tone,
“Keera! He isn't going to get away! He is moving slow with a bunch of wagons, we can catch up with him rather easily.”
She turned back holding her head and almost crying, she had been cheated and she felt like shit. Wollfen was right, she was in no condition to ride.
“I need an ale.”
“No! That's only going to make it worse later, you need lots of water and get some food into your stomach. Come sit down and I will see what Kels can make up.”
Keera relented and came over, sitting down with a plop that was a mistake in itself and she put her head in her hands. Kane was smiling and looking up trying not to laugh, to him it was so comical.
Wollfen went off to find Kels and came back after a few minutes with some sandwiches on a plate. He put them down in front of Keera who still had her head down and Kane reached for a sandwich but Solynne batted his hand away, shaking her head and looking cross at him. Kane looked back at her petulantly.
Keera did manage to keep a couple of sandwiches down and she pushed the plate towards Kane who gladly accepted the rest of them, happily chewing away.
She was visibly better now and Wollfen made a suggestion,
“Let's gather enough supplies for the next week and ride out in about two hours, we can catch up with the caravan of wagons by mid afternoon I would say and then we can move on to my patrol of the borderlands, what say you?”
Both Kane and Solynne readily agreed with Keera simply nodding her head with her eyes closed.
“Alright then, you two go off and buy up the supplies needed and I will take care of Keera,” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little pouch of coins handing it to Solynne, “There's more than enough to pay for all we need, I expect change back.”
Solynne gave a wink as the two of them stood up and left. Wollfen turned back to Keera,
“Come on, let's get you upstairs so you can lay down for awhile.” She silently nodded and allowed herself to be led away.
After Wollfen got her in bed he came back down sitting in a booth at the rear. He spent some quiet time thinking about the events of the last couple of days and wondered how things would transpire over the next few days as well. He certainly hadn't seen any of this coming so far. This past year he had only managed to recruit Solynne and then the last two days they had managed to pick up another three people. Oh well, the world worked in mysterious ways he supposed.
Later that afternoon the four of them were riding along the south road expectantly watching out for signs of the wagons and sure enough in the distance a cloud plume could be seen, surely it was the wagons. Keera picked up now seeing this, she had been grumbling most of the time since leaving Comberwell and had not been a pleasant companion so far. The other three hoped that she wasn't always like this.
After another twenty minutes they rounded a bend and caught sight of the rear wagon of the caravan slowly winding its way through the woods, Keera was looking forward in anticipation of the confrontation. She went to gee her horse on faster and Wollfen placed his hand on her arm, she looked across at him,
“What is it?” Wollfen nodded to
wards the wagons,
“Look, there are extra riders now, more than when you first entered town.” Keera didn't care,
“So? I can easily take care of them same way I took care of the bandits.” Wollfen shook his head,
“We are not here to kill them just get your money back. If you are to be part of this group then there must be some sense of justice. Yes the boss stole and we will confront him for that, but there's no need to go killing everyone.” Keera sighed and sat back in her saddle,
“Fine, we will do it your way.”
The rear guard of the caravan spotted the approaching riders a few minutes later and called out to this companions, the other two fell back and watched on warily. Wollfen held up his hand to speak and one of the guards moved back a little further, he was the leader.
“What is it you want?”
“I have Keera here who is owed money by your boss,” Wollfen looked to Keera and asked in a low tone, “What is his name?”
“It's Attley.”
“What? Attley?”
“Yes, Attley.” Keera repeated a bit impatiently. Wollfen called out again,
“His name is Attley.”
The lead guard wasn't interested,
“We know of Keera, Attley let her go yesterday, there is no further business between the two.” Wollfen didn't like where this was going,
“I am not going to argue with you, just fetch Attley so we can sort this out.”
“It's not going to happen. Now begone with you otherwise we shall have to use force.”
Wollfen looked at the others, getting into a fight over fifty silver coins was hardly worth it, but then again this Attley fellow had falsely claimed them too. He was sure Keera wouldn't let it go and if he insisted on backing down then he would look weak. No, they would have to follow through, he just hoped no one got killed over this.
“We mean to confront Attley over this preferably peaceably but we will use force if we have to.” The guard didn't hesitate in replying,
“Then force it shall be.”
Wollfen turned to the others and spoke quick,
“You two will fan out to the left and Keera and I will go to the right, now please, no killing unless you absolutely have to okay?” They all nodded in agreement and moved off without hesitation.
The guards closed rank and moved forward to the lead wagon protecting it, the other wagoneers watching on as the different parties jockeyed for position. Obviously Attley was in the lead wagon. Wollfen drew his sword and held it out to the side opposite to Keera who had also drawn hers holding it across her chest in readiness. They rode forward approaching the lead wagon under the watchful eye of the guards who also had their swords at the ready, thankfully none of them had a bow or crossbow.
Wollfen kept a respectful distance and called out loudly,
“Attley! Show yourself and answer us!”
A small voice called out from within the wagon,
“I have nothing to say to any of you bandits! Begone I say!”
“You have stolen that which is not yours! Hand it over now and nothing more will come of this!”
Keera didn't wait any longer and geed her horse racing towards the nearest guard with a yell.
Was all Wollfen could mutter under his breath and he too lunged forward to enter the fray.
Keera started using her sword two handed bashing away at the nearest guard's sword being held up defensively and she didn't let up. Solynne and Kane who had been riding along on the other side joined in and began parrying swords with the two other guards. Wollfen didn't bother joining in riding right up next to the wagon and sheething his sword before jumping across into it. The shocked driver sat there staring in fear and Wollfen gave him a reassuring grin,
“It's okay I am not after you.”
He then turned and pulled back the flap before entering and there was a squeal from inside. A small man in a nightshirt and not much else was pushed out from behind being held by his ear. The man was holding tight to Wollfen's forearm and trying not to move. Wollfen was holding him firm.
“Tell the wagons to stop or I will tear your ear off.”
The man frantically tapped the driver on the shoulder beside him and he pulled up. The fighting stopped too as they all watched on. Wollfen shook him by the ear a bit making the man cry out again,
“Now tell them to lay down their arms or I will peel you, do you understand me?”
“Yes yes, lay down your arms, do as he says, please, it hurts!”
The guards did as they were told and still everyone watched on.
“You owe Keera here the fifty gold that was due her for killing those bandits on the road into Comberwell.” The man looked incredulous,
“Fifty gold!? It was only fifty silver!” Then he realized his mistake, he had just admitted to it all. “Wait, wait!”
But it was too late, the guards all grumbled, they realized they had been duped. Wollfen let go of him and he slumped down beside the driver cowering.
“So how about it? Where is it?”
“I don't have it all anymore, I had to give some to the guards as payment to see me through to Port Cholandra.” Wollfen shook his head,
“So how much do you have left?” The man was too scared to answer and Wollfen gave him a firm nudge, “Come on, out with it!”
“There's only 15 coin left I had to buy supplies too for the trip.” Keera gave an angry shout and Wollfen waved at her to wait. He sighed,
“How could you have so little? What do you normally pay for things with when taking a journey like this?” The man was desperate pleading his case,
“Please, I normally sell produce along the way in each town we stop in but this trip no ones been buying much at all. I ran out of money before we got to Comberwell.”
Wollfen looked to the guards and then to all the others, what could be done? There was no way he could strip the man of all he had here and leave him bereft in the middle of nowhere plus he surely couldn't demand the money back from the guards either, they were just doing their job after signing on. It wasn't their fault the man had cheated Keera. He had an idea.
“You lot who were guarding this wagon train, as you can see the money you have was not Atley's to give, I understand you have already done some work on this trail and are owed some money for that.” The lead guard piped up,
“I gave up some good work going north to do this trip, I am not giving up the money I have earned.”
“Yes but if push comes to shove we will insist on escorting the lot of you back to Comberwell and letting the sheriff sort it all out and you know he will demand all the money back.” The men grumbled at the prospect, they had no desire to front the law.
“What do you suggest?”
“How much did he pay you all in total?”
“We got eight silver pieces each. That's for two weeks work.”
“Well you have been working for less than a day, I will be generous, keep three coins each for your troubles and hand over the rest.” He looked to Keera who rolled her eyes but nodded.
The three guards huddled for a moment then turned back and the lead guard stuck out his hand,
They shook and handed back five pieces each and Wollfen handed them to Keera, he then turned to Attley making a give it up motion with his hand. The man grudgingly reached into his nightshirt producing a pouch which Wollfen took, he opened it up and dumped the contents into his hand, there was thirty pieces of silver not fifteen. Wollfen scowled at Attley who just sat there with a pained look on his face.
“Alright, we will be on our way then, just make sure you don't try fleecing anyone else in future Attley, the next bunch of people may not be so forgiving. I know you understand this.” The man nodded timidly,
“But what am I to do now?” Wollfen shook his head,
“It's not our problem the predicament that you have gotten yourself into, but I may suggest you turn your wagons around and head bac
k to Comberwell, then do some trading. After all that's the business you are in.”
The man meekly looked down as Wollfen mounted his horse and signaled the others.
“Let's get going, we have a long ride ahead.”
Chapter Three
The four riders sat at the bar, the two men unshaven and all of them looking well worn from a long time out in the wilds, they had been riding over a week to get here. It was Wollfen and his companions having traveled far south at a good pace that found them tired and sore after such a long ride with only a few hours a night sleep. He had deliberately set a cracking pace to see how the others would hold up and they had done well. While there had been some griping on the trail they had held together well and worked in cooperation without too much input from him. Yes they had performed admirably.
There had been a clash with three orcs a couple of days ago and Wollfen had held back letting the other three work out their own attack. Kane had taken the lead without hesitation and it hadn't taken long to dispatch the creatures. Yes the group so far had proved their mettle and he was pleased. He only need find a few more people to complete the group and then he could start focusing on special training.
“Well I'm tired and worn out, I won't hide the fact, I need a hot bath to soak in.” Kane sniffed himself,
“I can't say I smell too good either.”
Solynne turned up her nose at his comment,
“Don't come near me, I have been smelling you for the last week, you reek.” Kane gave her a dark look and Keera chuckled.
The three of them were glad to have the trail done and be taking a break, the last week had pushed them for sure and they felt it. But at the same time they felt pleased with themselves too, Outrock would normally be a two week ride. It was the last large town in the southern districts of the Kingdom, an out of the way place that no one gave a second thought to. Anyone of regard that is, the place had more than it's fair share of outlaws and vagabonds.
It was to be expected, Kingdom soldiers or government officials hardly ever set foot this far south, there wasn't much here to preside over. Outrock as the name implied lay on the edge of the rocky outlands here to the south east, while there was still forests to be seen they were far thinner here and the ground was dry. The hills further on were lashed by high winds that kept the greenery from taking too much of a foothold. In every direction you looked it was rocky and dusty.