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Wolfe Pack Page 6
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Page 6
Keera turned to a barmaid and called out,
“Another round of ale here please, we are parched.”
The barmaid nodded and moved off. Wollfen looked around scanning the people in the tavern, they appeared to be locals by their tan garb and weathered skin. Some were of a black skinned race which wasn't seen often in the Kingdom, at least not further north. Wollfen found that curious, he had thought they were only to be seen in the southern islands near Svalbard across the ocean. Well that had been his experience. Up until ten years ago he hadn't seen any of them taking up residence in the Kingdom at all. Oh what did it matter? His mind was wandering, the tiredness was getting to him he thought. He looked across at his companions, they were content to wait for their ale and it was too early to eat being mid afternoon.
“”Hey I am getting a room and having a bath then rest awhile, what you lot do is up to you. Let's meet up here again say in three hours?”
They all nodded quietly, content to do very little. Wollfen pulled himself up off the bar stool and made eye contact with the barman, they traded some words and Wollfen was handed a key. Then he walked off down a hall at the right to the row of rooms. The other three waited on their ales and when they had drunk them moved off to their own rooms to do the same. Keera though hung around chatting to some guys, she had no intention of wasting her time on rest when there were some attractive young men to flirt with.
Wollfen meantime having finished his bath was laying back on his bed, eyes closed but not sleeping, he was feeling his body ache and was glad to be resting. After dinner he would come back to bed and he was sure to sleep well. He felt himself drifting but sleep wouldn't claim him. It was about an hour later when he heard a commotion from the direction of the bar. At first he paid it no heed but then it occurred to him that maybe one or more of his companions could be involved? He grudgingly got up and pulled his boots on. Wollfen was in no rush, maybe it would be all over by the time he got there and he could return to bed.
Outside his door he turned towards the bar and could make out the sound of Keera shouting, he sighed. Upon entering the bar room he could make out Keera standing there facing off with a young man with his dagger out, Wollfen could see that her dagger was still sheathed. What was going on?
“Come on you son of a bitch! Come at me! I'm not scared!”
While those two faced off Wollfen looked around quickly, there were a few onlookers but no one appeared to be of any danger and they weren't getting involved. Of the other two companions there was no sign. He walked over and stood to one side making his presence known. Keera glanced out of the corner of her eye at him,
“Leave this to me, I have this.”
The man scowled and lunged with his dagger, it was all that Keera needed and as she batted his hand to one side she swung hard with her other making a fist catching the man square on the nose. There was a shout of excitement from the crowd as the man staggered back clutching his face as blood trickled down his chin. Now he was really angry but smart too. He stood up, looking at both Keera and Wollfen,
“You will keep.”
And then he walked out with Keera slinging barbs goading him on, but he wouldn't bite.
“Oh come on! That's all it takes to defeat you? What did you momma raise? A coward?”
The man half paused in his steps but he didn't stop walking out the doorway into the street. Keera turned to Wollfen and he could see she was somewhat drunk from her bleary eyes and slight swaying. He knew not to tell her off, right now it would be a waste of time so he simply motioned for her to join him at a booth. The two of them sat down as the other patrons went about their business, some grumbling at the anticlimax. Wollfen looked at Keera without a word.
“What? He started it.” He said nothing, still looking, “Oh for crying out loud, he was pissing me off, I couldn't just sit there and take it.”
Again nothing from him but that silent stare, it wasn't even a stern look. Finally she sighed,
“I think I need another drink.” This time Wollfen did speak up,
“Stay with me for a minute, tell me what happened.”
She let out a big breath and looked at him for a few moments, collecting her thoughts, was she even sure how it had started anymore? Then she slowly shook her head as she looked away,
“Oh it was something stupid, he probably didn't even mean anything by it, all I know is it stung and I reacted.”
Wollfen could see there was the start of tears in her eyes, what was going on?
“What did he say?” She shook her head in reply,
“I honestly don't remember, how stupid is that?” Wollfen grunted,
“It's not stupid, so many arguments start like that, by the time you get into it with the other person you quickly forget what it was all about in the first place.”
She nodded in agreement and tears started trickling down her face. Should he push her on what was upsetting her? How would she react? Well, there was one way to find out he supposed.
“So what's upsetting you Keera? What is it that is so maddening? I can see it is eating at you.”
Keera gave him a look, like a lost girl, a little frightened. She seemed so unsure of herself all of a sudden,
“I just can't stand it when...” Then she stopped, he looked on waiting,
“Go on, I will listen.”
Then all of a sudden the anger rose in her again and her vulnerability was shut away.
“Fuck you and fuck all men! I am tired of hearing you lot feigning interest and pretending to be concerned when all you want is to get into my pants!”
Wollfen couldn't help but look on in surprise. Keera stood up and stalked out without another word, where she went he had no idea but he knew to leave well enough alone.
About twenty minutes later Kane and Solynne entered the tavern smiling and chatting, they had been out for a walk. Kane spotted Wollfen sitting in the booth and they made their way over, sitting down opposite him.
“How goes it my friend? Enjoying some pints of ale?” Wollfen shook his head. Solynne looked around,
“Where's Keera?” Wollfen raised an eyebrow and she worked out real quick something was up. “Is she in trouble?” Finally Wollfen spoke up,
“No she isn't in any trouble but she is upset, she walked off awhile ago and I haven't seen her since.”
“What is she upset about? What happened?”
“Oh she had a minor run in with some fellow over something he said to her, but I am sure that isn't what has caused her to go off the deep end. I have a feeling she is carrying some deeper issue, something is gnawing at her and it's affecting her greatly. What it is I have no idea. There was no hint on the trail.”
“So what did she say? Anything at all?”
“Yeah, she did tell me to get fucked, that all men were simply trying to get into her pants.”
Solynne thought about that a bit, Kane also did too but he wasn't any help, he had no idea about these things. Solynne though was considering some possibilities.
“Wolf? You know she became a mercenary at a very young age, she says for ten years right?” He nodded, “That would mean she would have started at about 13 years old. Don't you think that gives an idea of what's going on?”
Wollfen thought about it a bit, she might be onto something there, what would drive a child of 13 out into the world? Abusive parents for sure, or maybe she was an orphan? Either way she would have been driven out into a world without love, without any nurturing other than what was given to her by men seeking their own sexual satisfaction. He was sure that was it thinking about it now, she would have been a young girl all alone fending for herself and she would have been taken advantage of.
“You know she probably grew up learning to use her sexuality to get what she wants, well that and the use of her sword. With no parents to guide her or protect her I am also sure she would have been abused along the way too.” Solynne agreed and also added her own part,
“It would also explain her ways wh
en we are in town, seeking the attention of men and flirting and more, it's all she has known. She doesn't know anything else.”
Wollfen nodded his head quietly in agreement while looking at nothing in particular, he was deep in thought. What could they do? Probably not a lot.
“We shall just have to see how things pan out, let's hope it doesn't prove to be an issue for the rest of us.” Solynne wondered though,
“You don't think there is anything we can try?” Wollfen shrugged his shoulders, he wasn't sure,
“I guess all we can do for now is play it by ear, until we know more I doubt we are in a position to talk to her about it. We are still somewhat in the dark.” Solynne agreed,
“You are right, I tell you what, when we are riding back to Comberwell in a few days I can spend more time talking to her, I spent most of my time with Kane as you know.”
Wollfen smiled, it was good to see Solynne stepping up and taking a role in all this, he hadn't needed to say anything which was good.
“Good idea, I am sure she will talk to you more readily than either of us, just don't push her, let her open up to you.”
Solynne winked and smiled, she understood perfectly.
The evening came and went with the two of them eating their meals and spending a bit of time in idle conversation. It grew late and still there was no sign of Keera, was she in trouble? Kane wondered that very thought out loud,
“Do you think she is in need of help? Should we go look for her?” Wollfen shook his head,
“No let's leave her be, I am sure she is fine. She has managed to take care of herself for the last ten years, there's not much chance of her needing anything.”
The three of them moved off to their respective rooms soon after that and they turned in for the night. Wollfen lay in bed looking up at the ceiling still thinking about the day's events, he brooded too much for his own good.
There was a quiet knock at his door and he got up moving over to it. Unlocking the door and opening it he saw Keera standing there looking like a sad puppy with bloodshot eyes. She had been crying a lot obviously. He let her in without a word and she walked over to the bed, kicking her boots off and flopping down. Wollfen walked around to the other side of the bed and sat on the edge looking on, he spoke quietly to her,
“Do you want to talk?”
She shook her head without a word and simply lay there. He sighed, what should he do? After a moment he decided to lay down which he did, stretching out beside her. He lay there quietly listening to her breathe. After a few minutes Keera reached out and held his hand, he squeezed it in return. That was how they spent the night, no words, nothing more than holding hands until they both drifted off to sleep. It was a curious situation that Wollfen hadn't experienced before.
Later that night Wollfen awoke with a start to find Keera up on one elbow looking down on him,
It was all he could get out while half asleep. He rubbed his eyes and forced himself to wake properly. Keera lay here watching, not saying a word.
“You wish to talk?”
Keera nodded ever so slightly and he waited, there was no need to push. She sighed,
“I am an ass.”
This time Wollfen said nothing, he knew she wasn't expecting anything in return just yet. Then she went on,
“You know I have spent so many years seeking love from so many men, I bed them all and when they are done I am cast aside.” She paused staring, Wollfen kept quiet still waiting. Then she went on, “What's wrong with me Wolf? Why can't any man love me?”
“Sex is not love Keera, it's a good feeling, it can certainly drive your passion as well, but that's not what love is.” She looked somewhat confused,
“So what's love?”
This time it was Wollfen's turn to be quiet, how was he going to explain that?
“It's a hard thing to explain Keera, love is something that goes far beyond physical attraction or sexual desire. It's something that gives you a desire to be with another in many other ways, wanting to share everything you do, but then it can also mean other things too. I am not sure I am doing a good job of explaining.”
Keera lay there quietly thinking about what he had just said, it wasn't much but for her, it was different to what she knew.
“I've only known physical attraction thinking that's all that's needed, I haven't felt more than that before, is it something I can learn?” He nodded,
“Of course it is, you are young and still changing, it will come with some work.”
Keera looked on in quiet contemplation, so many thoughts were rolling around in her head.
“I realized something tonight, I was walking around thinking so much and it struck me, I feel so empty inside, all my life I haven't gotten anywhere, I really don't know what I want.” He smiled, that was normal for any young person,
“A lot of people feel that way, we can spend so many years of our life finding our place in the world, but it will come. As you learn and discover, you will get to understand what you need.” She looked at him carefully now, his words meant a lot to her.
“You sure do know a lot huh? I think I could learn a lot from you. Us meeting wasn't just chance was it?”
“I don't think that there is any such thing as chance in the world, I think all things happen and play out with some higher purpose.” Keera looked on in slight wonder,
“Are you speaking of the gods?”
“Heck, maybe so, but I am not going to say I am any sort of expert, let's just say I have been around long enough to see that things do seem to follow a pattern.”
Keera's demeanor brightened and she took solace in his words, it made her feel better about things including her life. This was something she hadn't experienced before and it was in some ways a little exciting. Yes, meeting this man had opened her eyes to something new, what that was she wasn't sure but it gave her a sense of purpose to be with this group. She got up and walked over to the chair nearby sitting herself down,
“Thanks Wolf, you given me a lot of food for thought, mind if I spend the night right here?”
“You don't want to get a bed from the tavern owner?” She shook her head,
“No, I'm not going to sleep, too much on my mind. Don't mind me, I am fine in this chair.” Wollfen wasn't going to argue, he was tired,
“Very well, if you need a blanket I think there is a spare in the chest at the end of the bed.”
Wollfen then rolled over pulling his blanket up and promptly fell asleep.
The next day found Wollfen sitting in an office of a low level official by the name of Oberton discussing the border situation in regards to orcs, there were no surprises here,
“Over the past year we have seen increased activity by orcs attacking caravans traveling the eastern most roads and also attacking the more isolated farms. I can't say we have seen any organized effort by any orc groups. That attack to the far north on the Nightclans a year ago appears to be an aberration.”
Wollfen mulled the news, it was true all along the eastern borders. While there was increased incursions by small numbers of orcs there was nothing like what had happened up north. Was it in fact just a local reaction by orcs in the north to the presence of the Nightclans? He didn't think so, the clans had been riding those wilds for hundreds of years.
“Well, if you could give me a written report attesting to those facts it would be most appreciated, I will return all such communications to Lord Cazzara in Gevalia.” The official thought that to be odd,
“Why Lord Cazzara? His influence certainly doesn't carry this far south. Heck, not even Kassandrea bothers sending anyone here.” Wollfen understood the mans confusion,
“Yes under normal circumstances the administration wouldn't bother with having come here but since Lord Cazzara was charged with obtaining a complete picture of the orc question and its possible ramifications he has taken the responsibility to heart and is making sure that a proper job is done for all the Kingdom. That includes th
is place.” The man nodded with a grim smile,
“Kudos to the Lord for bothering.”
Wollfen understood the man's cynical view, Outrock was almost a forsaken backwater of no interest to anyone in the Kingdom.
“I will write up a report within the next couple of days, I have got much work to do. I take it you will wait around for it?”
Wollfen nodded and considered the time frame, he certainly was not looking forward to sitting around for the next few days though,
“I tell you what, I will lead a scouting party to the south east maybe a day or two ride from here, I want to see for myself what the land is like anyway.” The officer waved his hand,
“What you do with your time is your business, it won't cost us anything. Wait, this journey won't be charged to us will it?”
“No, all my expenses are being covered by the crown, you need not worry, I won't be dipping into the town's coffers.”
“Very good, come back on the morn of the third day and your report shall be ready.”
Wollfen nodded and walked outside. He looked up and noted the sun was harsh today, it would be a hot one for sure. There wasn't a cloud on the sky either. There was no rain and no cloud cover to give relief from that biting heat. He sauntered back to the tavern and caught up with the other three sitting in a booth.
“We won't be moving out today, the report won't be ready until three days from now.”
The others gave an audible moan, sitting around in this sun bleached backwater with no entertainment would drive them all crazy.
“Have no fear, I intend on us taking a short journey to the south east, I want to have a look around.”
There was no cheer at that either, it wasn't a much better prospect, instead of sitting around drinking ale in this heat they would be out on the trail in the direct sun and there would be no ale at all.
“Well at least we won't be bored.” Quipped Kane.