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Wolfe Pack Page 9

  Meanwhile Wollfen had been doing his own thing and had waded in from the front occupying the lead bandits in a clash of blades on his left and right, he worked frantically deflecting blows from either side as he continued to push further towards the center of the group. One bandit was cut down and another was delivered a flesh wound making him retreat. Then Wollfen was stopped by two bandits working together and he couldn't get past them. It was to no avail though, Kane had fought through to the Lord tied up on horseback and the young man had grabbed his reigns leading the Lord out to the rear without stopping.

  Having seen the Lord rescued Wollfen shouted out 'Victory!' causing the remaining bandits to look around and see the Lord was gone. As soon as that happened they all turned and galloped off in a number of directions. Wollfen didn't hesitate calling out to the rest,

  “Come on, let's get out of here before they regroup!”

  The other four didn't hesitate with all spurring their horses on back down the path from hence they had come. After about five minutes of hard galloping Wollfen spotted Kane up ahead and they quickly caught up. Once they drew up beside him Wollfen signaled for them to leave the path and make off into the woods. After a couple more minutes he signaled them all to pull up,

  “Let's take a quick break and see to the Lord, he needs to have those bonds removed, it will make it easier for him to ride.”

  Kane leaned across after pulling up and using his dagger cut away the Lord's ropes. The man immediately pulled down the gag in his mouth and tried to speak but his mouth was too dry, all that came out was a croak. Wollfen handed him a flask of water which the man gratefully accepted and took big swigs,

  “Don't drink too fast my Lord, it will hurt your throat.” The man moaned and gasped, “Take it easy, you are doing fine.”

  Wollfen waited for the man to regain his composure and he was finally able to speak,

  “Thank you sir, you shall be rewarded handsomely.” Wollfen shook his head,

  “No need for that and don't be thanking me just yet, we still have to get back to Outrock. It will still be dangerous.”

  The last comment sobered Lord Hale who looked about with trepidation,

  “You don't think they will try to get me back do you?”

  “Let's just say that for five thousand gold pieces they won't give up so easily.”

  “But Outrock doesn't have that sort of gold!”

  “I know my Lord, but the bandits don't know that, even if you told them so, they wouldn't believe you. We need to get you back to Outrock and to safety as soon as possible.”

  Wollfen looked around and noted that the rest of the posse were keeping a watchful eye,

  “Kane, see anything?” He shook his head,

  “No, but I wouldn't hang around too long, they are sure to have regrouped by now and be looking for us.”

  “Agreed, let's move out and make a new trail for Outrock, steer well away from the road. Kane you can take the lead, you two soldiers take up the rear and call out if you see anything at all, Solynne and Keera you take the flanks and do the same, let's all keep an eye out people, we are still in danger.”

  Kane moved off and the rest fell into line behind taking their positions and Wollfen spoke a few words to the Lord before dropping back to where the two soldiers were, he spoke to the nearest next to him as they rode three abreast,

  “Tell me soldier, what is your name?”

  “It is Larens sir.”

  “That's an unusual name for a Kingdom man.”

  “My mother gave it to me, she used to live in Port Cholandra and she knew a Svalbardian sailor, I never met my father.”

  Wollfen leaned in closer and spoke quietly,

  “So tell me Larens, are you injured badly?”

  Wollfen had seen a small patch of blood at the bottom of the mans tunic on his side earlier but had not said anything till now. The man was putting on a brave face but he could see the pain in his eyes.

  “It is a minor flesh wound sir, a sword nicked me in the fight. It hurts more than anything, it isn't serious.”

  “Very well Larens, make sure to tend to it as best you can while we are riding, unfortunately we cannot stop, get your friend to help if necessary, understood?” Larens nodded without a word, “By the way, you can call me Wollfen, I have no title.”

  “Thank you Wollfen.”

  Wollfen gave a small wave with his hand and cantered back up to beside the Lord and fell in line keeping a watchful eye out.

  They rode on like that for the next few hours and managed to cover good ground, Wollfen would look back to Larens from time to time to keep an eye on him, he appeared to be holding up well. It was late in the afternoon when the other soldier put his hand up for attention. Wollfen dropped back to hear what he had to say,

  “What did you see?” It was Larens who answered,

  “That ridge we crossed back there about a mile back, we saw a man on horseback come over it and disappear again, no more since though.”

  “Okay, got it.”

  Wollfen spurred his horse on and galloped up to where Kane was at the front, as he pulled up Kane gave him a quizzical look,

  “We have been found, there is a tracker on our tail but he does not have anyone with him, I'd say they have got a few of them spread out looking for us, this one is following and I am sure when we stop tonight he will return to his comrades with the news.” Kane gave it some thought,

  “You know, it occurs to me that the main group of bandits are probably on the road, they know we will be heading back to Outrock as it is, do you think they would be riding ahead to cut us off?”

  “That's almost a certain bet, it is what I would do, we need to think about that for sure, any suggestions?”

  “I have been thinking about it, I say we can't stop at all tonight, we need to drive on to Outrock no matter what the weather is like, if it's overcast we must press on regardless, it's our only chance of slipping through without a fight. It also occurs to me their numbers will be greater now too, they were sure to have sent one of their number on into camp to rouse the rest.”

  “Mm, you are right, depending on how far away their camp was they may still be split in two groups.” Kane made another comment as well,

  “We lost our crossbows in the attack as well, when we retreated we didn't stop to collect them, they would have been handy.”

  “Yeah they would have, well there's nothing for it but to keep on going, I will let the others know what we are doing, keep a sharp lookout.”

  Wollfen fell back and did as he said, the afternoon didn't last too much longer and the evening closed in as the sun set behind the mountains. Luckily for them the night sky was clear and the moon while only half full cast its light across the land. It made it easier to keep traveling, the bad thing was it also made it easier for the bandits too. The posse was maybe another hour out of Outrock, if anything was going to happen it would happen soon.

  Keera was doing her duty, sometimes winding further out to the flank keeping a watchful eye but also listening very carefully too, she wasn't sure but she did think there was the sound of hoofs on rocky ground to the right of them. She decided to move fifty yards to the right then pull up, then she sat as silently as possible straining her ears for any noise. Then she heard it, a clacking of some rocks. Yes, someone was out there. She immediately returned to the posse and came up beside Wollfen in the center,

  “We got movement on the right flank, approximately a hundred to a hundred and fifty yards out, they are shadowing us but not moving in.”

  “Okay, keep an eye out and let me know if there is any change, if we decide to move, watch to me and do as I do.”

  Keera nodded and returned to her position. Wollfen in the meantime rode up to where Kane was again,

  “We have movement on the right flank, they aren't moving against us which tells me there are people up ahead, I think we are going to have to change course soon.”

  “Agreed, should we turn left and head south for
awhile then go for the south gate?”

  “Good idea, hopefully by changing course and moving quickly not only will we buy ourselves some time but the bandits may also lose us.”

  “Alright, let's set off at a gallop after drifting to the left for about ten minutes?”

  “Sounds good. Do it, I will stick close to the Lord.”

  Wollfen returned to his position and signaled the others with his hand waiting each time for them to acknowledge, they would know to follow.

  Ten minutes later Kane kicked his horse into a gallop and the others followed suit, it was all or nothing now. They made their way south by the light of the moon making good ground and didn't see any sign of being tailed for the next twenty minutes. They were getting close, even though they had taken a longer route to go in a different gate they would still make it back to Outrock within the next fifteen minutes.

  There was a yell from behind and Wollfen looked back,

  “They are on our tail! I see a horseman!”

  Nothing else needed be said, everyone heard and they continued galloping on. There wasn't much else they could do but keep an eye out. A few minutes later Wollfen heard a cry from behind and looked back again, he was just in time to see Larens falling from his saddle with a crossbow bolt protruding out of his belly, he had taken it from behind. The other soldier pulled up to help and Wollfen called out,

  “Don't stop!”

  But it was too late, another bolt flew true and slammed the man in the chest knocking clean out of his saddle. Wollfen turned back with a grim look on his face, the two soldiers were lost. On they rode into the darkness trying to keep the distance between them and the bandits. After another minute two more bolts flew by them, they were catching up. He looked back once more and thought he spotted two riders, was that all there was? Maybe. He looked to the others to check on them and Keera was missing, was she hit? He had no idea, he hoped not.

  As if in answer to his thoughts he heard a cry behind and looking back saw one of the horsemen falling. Keera was into them having swung wide and attacking from the side, she had no fear and was pressing her advantage. Even as the first bandit fell the second one was dropping his crossbow and reaching for his sword but it was too late. Keera was already onto him swinging her sword wide and out to the side, it caught the man in the throat sending out a gout of blood spraying through the night air. There was no sound, no cries as he too fell from his saddle. Wollfen watched on and could see Keera was scanning for more bandits, obviously there had only been two of them. It was a bit of a relief.

  On they all rode the moonlight casting crazy moving shadows as they galloped along, over a rise they came and off to the right they could see Outrock. Wollfen called out,

  “Bear right and keep going, make for the gates!”

  It didn't take long at all the cover the distance and as they approached the south gate Wollfen called out long and hard,

  “Hark! Riders! We have Lord Hale! Open the gates!”

  There was a shout from above and a head popped up on the rampart, again Wollfen called out,

  “Riders! We have Lord Hale, get those gates open! Bandits on our tail!”

  Lord Hale called out,

  “Get those gates open now!”

  The five riders pulled up in front of the closed gate and waited, all of them were panting. The horses were covered in a sweaty lather too, they had been pushed to their limits. Finally after a minute the gates swung open and they all trotted in.

  Lord Hale waved to the townspeople who had gathered and they waved back in relief, the tension immediately started to fall away. They had made it. Hale turned to Wollfen in his saddle offering his hand,

  “I want to thank you Wollfen for all that you have done, I would also like..”

  But before Lord Hale could utter another sound a crossbow bolt flew through the gates punching through his upper arm and into the side of his chest. His eyes opened wide and he tried gasping but his lungs were pierced through, Wollfen reached out in alarm and shock,


  Grabbing him the man slid from his saddle and Wollfen tried hard to hold him up but he became a dead weight pulling him down.


  It was no good, the man died in his arms, eyes staring vacantly with a questioning look on his face.

  Solynne wasted no time in turning her horse around and charging back out the gates with a cry on her lips, the other two companions followed suit and they spread wide once outside hunting for the killer somewhere in the darkness.

  Wollfen looked about at the townspeople who stood there all around him watching on with grim faces, some were angry but most were in shock. All he could do was utter his grief,

  “I am so sorry, so sorry.”

  A soldier knelt down and closed the Lord's eyes and signaled to some others to help pick him up. They then carried the body away to the town hall, Wollfen was left standing there with blood covering his hands and tunic as he watched the townspeople retreat in silence. He turned and walked by two soldiers standing guard at the open gate, they both stared at him and for some reason he felt an overwhelming guilt for what had just happened. It had all been for nothing.

  Scanning the area outside the gates Wollfen stared into the darkness, no sounds could be heard, nothing could be seen. He knew that his three friends would be moving stealthily in that darkness searching for whoever it was that had killed the Lord. All he could do was wait and see who returned.

  Solynne had made directly for the area where the bolt had come from, she picked her way as quickly as she could without giving her position away. Unfortunately after traveling one and fifty yards out there was no sign of anyone, they had made off immediately after firing. She looked across to the right and could just make out Keera also searching that flank, but again there was no sign. As soon as Keera looked to her, Solynne signaled for her to close up and she waited. Once she got near Solynne spoke in a whisper,

  “I don't think we will find anyone to the right, he would be sure to go left after firing, the main group would have been closer to the west gate. Let's hook up with Kane.”

  Keera nodded in agreement and Solynne led off, after a minute they found Kane slowly picking his way along watching the surrounds and drew up beside him. He stopped, turned and spoke quietly,

  “I cannot find any sign of the man, he is obviously very well versed in the craft of stealth.”

  They looked about for a moment but there was no sign, it was very quiet out there, too quiet. There was a thunk and Solynne cried out,

  “Watch out!”

  But it was too late as crossbow bolt flew into them hitting Kane in his arm, piercing it through and continuing on. He called out in pain and gripped his arm, falling forward into his saddle. Solynne dug her heals in attempting to spur her horse on to attack but Keera was faster grabbing her by the shoulder and shouting,

  “No! Don't! It's a trap, run!”

  Solynne didn't hesitate, wheeling her horse around and grabbing Kane's reins she bolted off back towards the gates. Keera was turning too and she heard a man in the darkness calling out in derision,

  “I hope the Lord sleeps well tonight, ha ha ha! We'll be back!”

  Keera was filled with anger, she wanted to turn around and charge that man down wherever he was. But she knew better and kept her horse galloping back to the gates.

  As she came through the guards slammed the gates shut and threw the bar across. They turned and came over to Kane, Wollfen and Solynne were easing him off his saddle and laying him on the ground. It was only a flesh wound but he was losing a lot of blood. Wollfen looked up,

  “Do you have a healer in town?”

  The soldiers both nodded,

  “Yes you will find him in the red brick home by the town hall, my companion will escort you there.”

  He gave instructions to the soldier next to him and they were on their way. Keera stayed behind and mounted the rampart looking out over the area where they had run into that so
le assailant. Yes she was right in calling them back, her instincts had proven to be right. There in the distance she could just make out the silhouettes of six people on horseback moving away.

  Wollfen came walking out of the infirmary after they got Kane to be looked at, Solynne stayed with him which was fine. Tonight had turned out to be a disaster, they had managed to hurt the bandits in that attack and rescue the Lord but the bandits had struck back killing two soldiers and the Lord, now Kane was wounded too. He was angry, very angry, those criminals were too bold by far. Looking around Wollfen then walked back to the south gate and found Keera there,

  “What did you see?”

  Keera looked up from her thoughts, she had been considering too how things had gone down the past day,

  “There was six of them hiding in the darkness, if we had pressed on they would surely have killed us too.”

  Wollfen put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed a bit to comfort her, she placed her own hand over his and looked up into his eyes,

  “You did right in pulling back Keera, I commend you.”

  Without thinking she kissed his hand and he retracted it more out of surprise than anything. She sighed and looked away. He paused for a moment looking at her then offered to buy her a drink,

  “Come on, let's go down an ale together, I know I need one.”

  She nodded and they walked side by side to the tavern they had been staying in, there they sat in a vacant booth each with an ale in front of them but not drinking. The two of them stared off into space for awhile, so many thoughts were going through their minds.

  They did eventually down their drinks and it helped a little, they were very tired, so many days of hard riding. The two of them approached the barman and requested rooms,

  “Sorry milord there is only one room vacant but it does have a double bed if that works for you.”

  Wollfen looked to Keera who shrugged,

  “I just wanna sleep.”

  Wollfen turned back and nodded, paid the two coppers and they walked off.

  In the room Wollfen kicked off his boots and tunic, then washed his hands and upper torso in a bowl of water on the table, there was still some dried blood on him. Once he was done he turned to see Keera already under the covers and appearing to be sound asleep. He carefully slid in beside her and lay on his back staring at the ceiling, would sleep claim him tonight? He was thinking too much that was for sure.